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02.28.2022 ACE Update – Return to Campus; Paystubs

ACE Members,

Wages, working conditions, and benefits have been the main focus points during my first two months as president. Agreements and MOUs negotiated by ACE finally began to be paid out in February to a sum of $3.4 million dollars(!) I want to thank all of you for contributing to the process by filling out a Koff PDQ, the ACE board members and negotiators who made this happen, and the staff behind the scenes who’ve been working with on a monstrous spreadsheet. As the remaining calculations are completed by Human Resources hopefully the balance of us will receive what we’ve worked for in March.

At the February Board of Trustees meeting, I made a statement after hearing from a number of you about the effect this delay has had. Site meetings are the best place for you to raise concerns and hear the concerns of other members. The power of ACE is collectively in its members, I appreciate that you show up regularly to point the organization in the right direction.

Return to Campus

Q: Is it appropriate for me to be working alone in a public facing office?
A: I’ll raise the question in meetings I have with HR and administrators as it could become a safety concern. Currently there is no policy against it.

Q: Can you be required to return to campus?
A: Yes.  Work expectations and your options with the district are identified here. Depending on the exception, we may need to take these on a case-by-case basis, but ultimately, if you cannot work remotely and you are uncomfortable returning to campus you may be able use your paid leave (vacation or comp time) or unpaid leave to cover the time off. 

Q: I’d like to continue working remotely, don’t I have a say?
A: Your supervisor gets to decide but if you want to work remotely, have a conversation with your supervisor. Address concerns, show how you will continue to remain accountable, ask for a trial basis and go from there. We have had the option to work remotely in our agreement for well over a decade.

Q: Who will enforce the mask mandates?
A: Your supervisor.  If they are the one not following protocol and you are not comfortable reaching out to their immediate supervisor, contact ACE. We will make sure it gets addressed.


In your February paystubs you may see some unfamiliar line items:

  • Remote $: Remote Work Stipend
  • AdjOSSP: Off Salary Schedule Payment Adjustment (Retro)
  • CFYretro: Current Fiscal Year (Retro)
  • PFYbAdj: Previous Fiscal Year (Retro)

Q: Why do some line items appear twice?
A: The classification study salary agreement spans three fiscal years: 19-20, 20-21, and 21-22. PFY, PFY, and CFY.

Q: How can I check that the amount was calculated correctly?
A: ACE requested the spreadsheet HR and Payroll used to generate the amounts. I can send a copy of your section to verify the number of months you worked and pursue discrepancies. Email for more information.

Q: I didn’t receive my Classification Study retro in Feb, do you know how much I’ll receive in March?
A: Currently I only have data for those who were paid this month. HR is still finalizing the calculations before forwarding them on to Payroll. When I receive the next list of employees, I’ll send out a list of CWIDs like I did in my last update.

Q: Can you help me make decisions about my 403b or 457?
A: has two upcoming events:

Q: I retired/resigned, when will my wages arrive?
A: The current forecast is saying that it will be paid out March (most likely the last day of.) Physical checks will be sent out to your last known address. Update the district if you have moved.

Quick Info

If you’re new to CalPERS or haven’t created an account online, these two links may be helpful as a starting point:

Take Care,

Scott Olsen (he/him) | ACE President |
(408) 864-8584 | M-F 8:00am-5:00pm

11.8.2021 – Election Results

Hello ACE Members,  

   Below are the results of your ACE elections.   


        Number of eligible voters:  346 

        Number who voted: 196 

        Response Rate 57% 

           1) Scott Olsen:  

                Number of Votes:   191

           2) Abstain:  

                 Number of Votes: 5

3 Negotiators at Large
       Voters were required to choose at least 1 and up to 3 candidates. 

        Number of Eligible Voters: 346 

        Number Who Voted:  196 

         Response Rate 57% 

            1) Andrea Santa Cruz: 

                  Number of Votes:  126

            2) Keri Kirkpatrick:  

                  Number of Votes: 120

            3) Joseph Gilmore:  

                  Number of Votes: 96

            4)  Dana Kennedy:   

                   Number of Votes: 82

 5)  Sushini Chand:  

                  Number of Votes: 55

 6)  Adriana Garcia:  

       Number of Votes: 33

 7) Mrinmaie Deshpande : 

       Number of Votes: 26

 8) Abstain: 

      Number of Votes: 4

Vice President Central Services  

           Number of Eligible Voters: 65 

          Number Who Voted:  33 

          Response Rate 51% 

             1) Bill Baldwin:   

                   Number of Votes:  31 

             2) Abstain:  

                   Number of Votes: 2 

 Negotiator Central Services 

Number of Eligible Voters: 65 

         Number Who Voted:  33 

         Response Rate 51% 

            1) Chris White:  

                    Number of Votes:    24 

            2) Terry Rowe: 

       Number of Votes:    9 

3) Abstain: 

                   Number of Votes:    0 

Vice President De Anza  

           Number of Eligible Voters: 188  

          Number Who Voted:  115 

          Response Rate 61% 

              1) Vins Chacko:  

                      Number of Votes:   107  

              2) Abstain: 

                       Number of Votes:   8 

Board Member De Anza Seat 1 

           Number of Eligible Voters: 188  

          Number Who Voted:  115 

          Response Rate 61% 

              1) Sasha Bostic:  

                       Number of Votes:   109  

              2) Abstain: 

                      Number of Votes: 6  

Negotiator De Anza  

         Number of Eligible Voters:  188 

         Number Who Voted:  115 

         Response Rate 61% 

1) Cathleen Monsell:   

        Number of Votes:  110 

2) Abstain  

        Number of Votes:  5 

Chief Steward Foothill  

          Number of Eligible Voters:  93 

          Number Who Voted:  48 

          Response Rate 52% 

 1) Andre Meggerson:   

         Number of Votes: 45 

 2) Abstain  

         Number of Votes:  3 

Board Member Foothill 

Number of Eligible Voters:  93 

Number Who Voted:  48 

Response Rate 52% 

   1) Catalina Rodriguez:   

         Number of Votes:  31 

   2) Melia Arken:   

         Number of Votes: 16 

   3) Abstain  

         Number of Votes: 1 

Negotiator Foothill 

Number of Eligible Voters:  93 

Number Who Voted:  48 

Response Rate 52% 

   1) Chris Chavez:   

         Number of Votes:  47 

   2) Abstain:  

         Number of Votes: 1

03.02.2021 – General Membership Meeting, Classification/Compensation Study

ACE Members
I am pleased to announce we have reached an agreement with the District on our classification and compensation study.  A pdf was emailed to members which include:

  1. An FAQ regarding the tentative agreement.
  2. The MOU for the agreement includes classifications and their corresponding salary level.
  3. A general FAQ regarding the classification/compensation study and how decisions were made.

As we have said all along, this does not go into effect UNTIL the membership votes on it, and if it is passed by the membership, then approved by the Foothill-De Anza Board of Trustees.  

A general membership meeting will be held next Tuesday, March 9 at noon.  A calendar invite will be sent to you shortly.  After the meeting, we will open online voting to approve or reject the study. 

A reminder, ONLY ACE members may attend general membership meetings.  If you’re receiving this email, you’re a member.  If a colleague says they didn’t get the email, please have them contact our president, Chris White.

We would like to thank you for your patience and support during this long process.  It was challenging but we all believe we are better off for it.

In gratitude,

Cathleen Monsell, Chair of Negotiations


Chris Chavez

Joseph Gilmore

Dana Kennedy

Terry Rowe

Andrea Santa Cruz


Chris White, ACE president

Anthony Booth, attorney for ACE

Bradley Booth, attorney for ACE