ACE Members,
President’s Message
We’re always looking for stories that demonstrate the value of working in a unionized workplace. If you have a story you would like to share about how ACE has impacted your life, let me know. Hopefully my story highlights the value of high-quality labor representation. Without union consultation and intervention, my experience would have ended very differently because there would have been no one on our family’s side. Even if you never experience a critical moment, our Agreement creates a fairer and more equal workplace every day.
LiquidOffice & Floating Leave
Rarely you’ll hear someone saying, “I’m taking 170 on Friday”, which refers to the LiquidOffice (LO) code for vacation. Below is a sample image of my LiquidOffice Time Card (LOTR) from October which includes the dropdown of available codes. I’d like to focus on 3 of them:
- 180 Sick Leave – This is most commonly used for when you are sick and does not require pre-approval.
- How to use it: “I’m staying home today, I’m sick” or “I have a medical appointment for preventative treatment or diagnosis”
- See 10.1 (LINK)
- 185 Personal Necessity Leave – This covers unavoidable emergencies and obligations related to your household (does not require pre-approval [unless it can be anticipated/scheduled]).
- How to use it: “I have an unavoidable obligation that takes place during work hours. If you have questions, let schedule a conversation.”
- See 10.10 (LINK)
- 300 Floating Leave – This could be used for anything (requires pre-approval).
- How to use it: “I would like to use floating leave on Friday. I’m not required to disclose the purpose or nature of this request.”
- See 9.3 (LINK)
Human Resources is still working on negotiations with other bargaining units to align these leave labels in each contact and update the LOTR system. Until then, the best practice if you are using Floating Leave would be to select 300 and add a note in the “Comments” box stating that this time was used as Floating Leave. If you have difficulty using any of these leaves, consult with a steward.

DACA Resources
We are in the early stages of discussions with the District to do as much as possible to protect the employment of members who are covered by Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Individual employees can consult individually with an attorney from Path2Papers – – but we are also doing so as an employer. Solutions would still have to comply with federal regulations, but we are doing as much as we can to make sure resources are provided and our Agreement supports continued employment if an employee authorization document (EAD) is not renewed. We’re checking the viability of sponsored work visas along with other options.
Foothill College hosts a representative from the Immigration Institute for the Bay Area (IIBA) – – who is also available for employee questions. Appointment can be made via .
Reach out directly if you need support.
Classified Holiday Party 12/11 @ 12:30
Classified Staff at De Anza have arranged a holiday event at 12:30pm tomorrow. Get out of your office! Bring your ugly sweater to the campus center. ACE is providing pizza from Tasty Pizza and we’ll have membership applications handy if you have a new colleague who has yet to join as a member or has questions. Classified Senate is providing appetizers and drinks.
FHDA CCD Board of Trustees Vacancy
Do you know someone who lives in Sunnyvale who you would trust to weigh in on District decisions? There is an opening for appointment to fill the seat formerly held by Patrick Ahrens. Applications are open until January 3rd, 2025. Details are available online (LINK).
To be eligible they must be a California citizen, over 18 years old, registered to vote, and reside in Trustee Area 2.
In Service,
Scott Olsen (he/him) | ACE President |
650-949-7789 | M-F 8:00am-5:00pm