One of our more prosperous wins this year was securing an additional $800,000 from the district to fund the post-97 Voluntary Employee Benefit Association (VEBA) retirement fund. As part of that agreement, which you approved in May, the funds could only be used to for the VEBA and must pass through employees paycheck because the district is adamant in their refusal to directly fund any retirement benefit other than CalPERS. This pass-through will appear in your December 2016 paycheck. It will be listed as a one-time employee benefit allowance followed by a one-time mandatory employee contribution. All of the bargaining units have been assured by the district that it will have no tax consequences, as health benefit payments are not subject to taxes as they are paid with pre-tax dollars.  The District has advised that if you have questions or concerns regarding the tax implications, please contact the payroll department in Human Resources.