Category: Uncategorised

  • General Membership Meeting: ACE Stipends; FH, 6/9, Noon, FH Council Chambers; DA, 6/10, Noon, DA 109

    General Membership Meeting: ACE Stipends; FH, 6/9, Noon, FH Council Chambers; DA, 6/10, Noon, DA 109

    Greetings ACE General Membership,

    We are having an old fashioned paper vote at both campuses next week, with a simple question we already asked. Do you support stipends for the ACE Executive Board and/or Negotiations Team?

    Our online survey showed promising results, but we need to solidify your response with a vote, so please stop by and check yes or no on a little piece of paper, stuff it in the box, grab yourself some lunch and say hello to your friends. We will be available to answer questions if you have any.

    Time: Noon to One o’clock (12-1pm)

    Foothill campus: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 FH Council Chambers
    De Anza campus: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 DA Admin 109

    Lunch will be provided.

    Voting is reserved for full dues paying members, but if you would like to change your status from Service Fee Payer to Full Dues, please fill out the membership form. The forms available at the meetings.
