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General Membership Meeting: DA, 10/6, FH 10/7 – Proposed ACE Agreement Changes

Dear Colleagues:

Much of the proposed changes to our ACE Agreement can have a significant impact on your earnings ability, like the placement process for workers affected by layoff or how classification and reclassification are determined. Our goals with these proposed changes are to give our members more opportunity for growth in their careers and to get the district to invest in it’s current classified professionals.  Perhaps the change with the biggest impact is the MOU (memorandum of understanding) establishing a Joint Labor/Management Classification Committee (JLMCC) to determine the need, requirements, purpose and process for a comprehensive classification study.

Come find out more about these changes at one of these general meetings.  Lunch will be provided. Find the full Tentative Agreements Here: Proposed_ACE_AgreementChanges_092415

Ratification Vote

An online ratification vote is scheduled for ACE Full Dues Paying Members ONLY beginning at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 6 through Friday, Oct. 9 at 5 p.m. A separate email with your unique voting credentials will be emailed to you next week.

Proposed Changes

Article 7 – Transfers

7.4 -Transfer:  Adds a process for members to voluntarily request a transfer; clarifies the process for an administrative reassignment.

7.6 – Reorganization:  Clarifies language that the district must notify the Union in writing prior to implementation of a reorganization to provide for an opportunity to meet and confer.

7.10 – Evaluation of Performance: Clarifies that performance appraisals must be prepared by the worker’s immediate supervisor; any negative documentation must be presented prior to inclusion in any performance evaluation; and any worker who has their step advancement withheld due to their performance evaluation may request a review by the Director of Human Resources.

7.16 – Classified Hourly Positions:  Clarifies the maximum hours for a position as identified by the job description.

Article 11 – Layoffs

11.3 – Notice and Consultation with the Union:  Changes notification to the Union in writing of a layoff by the district from 60 days to 75 days prior to the date of the layoff. The notice can’t be less than 70 days prior to the date of layoff, up from 55 days. 

11.4 – Notice of Layoff:  Increases notice to a laid off worker from 45 to 60 days.  Clarifies when a notice is issued in person, the Union representative shall be invited to attend.

11.4.1 – Placement of Employees Affected by Layoff:  This is a new process to help facilitate placement of ACE members who positions have been identified to be eliminated.  It’s goal it to provide ACE members who do not have bumping rights an opportunity to be considered in an internal placement process prior to positions being opened to outside recruitment.

Article 12 – Grievance Procedure

12.5 – Filing a Formal Grievance:  Adds a process where if the nature of the complaint involves an immediate supervisor, the employee may initiate the grievance at the second level of review.

Article 15 – Classification and Reclassification

15.2 – Request for Classification or Reclassification:  Changes how new classifications are reviewed from a committee process to the District Classification Specialist, and clarifies that no supervisor or the worker’s appropriate vice president will be allowed to change any of the worker’s comments on their reclassification request.

15.3 – Classification Specialist:  Clarifies that the Classification Specialist shall prepare a report and analysis of the position within 30 days of the request (changed from 60 days) and a copy of the report will be sent to all interested parties prior to a  holding a meeting to discuss the findings.

15.4 – Classified Specialist Determination Report and Meeting:  This reestablishes a members voice at the beginning of the classification process, which was eliminated under the committee review process.  It mandates that the Classification Specialist must schedule a meeting to discuss findings withing ten (10) workdays after sending out the determination report and included in this meeting will be the Director of Human Resources, the Classification Specialist, an appropriate administrator(s) and the worker(s) and his/her ACE representative(s).  Under the review committee process, members typically didn’t have a say in the outcome until it was under appeal.

15.5 – Appeal:  Renames the decision to the final determination report.

15.6 – Final Appeal: Adds language that the appeal packet shall go to the neutral party immediately upon mutual agreement of the appointment to avoid delays.

Article 23 – Duration

23.1 – Length of Agreement:  Establishes that this ACE Agreement will continue in effect through October 31, 2017. 

On behalf of your negotiations team, we would like to thank you for entrusting us to negotiate on your behalf.  We hope to see you at the meetings and as always, if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any of us.


Chris White, Chair of Negotiations

Team Members:
Chris Dubeau
David Gillett
Blanche Monary
Cathleen Monsell
Stephanie Pham
Al Rufenilli

General Membership Meeting: 7/28, DA ADMIN 109; 7/29 FH Toyon (2020) Proposed Health Benefit Changes for 2016

General Membership Meeting

General membership meetings will be held next week to discuss the proposed changes. Lunch will be served. An Outlook invite will be sent to you with the location for each meeting.

Tuesday, July 28 at noon – De Anza – DA ADMIN 109
Wednesday, July 29 at noon – Foothill – Toyon Room (2020)

Ratification Vote

An online benefits MOU ratification vote is scheduled for ACE Full Dues Paying Members ONLY beginning at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, July 28 through Monday, August 2 at noon. A separate email with your unique voting credentials will be emailed to you next week.

Not a full paying dues member? You still have time to have your voice heard. Fill out the Dues Membership Application and return it to ACE President, Blanche Monary at NO LATER THAN 5 p.m. on Monday, July 27.

General Membership Meeting: ACE Stipends; FH, 6/9, Noon, FH Council Chambers; DA, 6/10, Noon, DA 109

Greetings ACE General Membership,

We are having an old fashioned paper vote at both campuses next week, with a simple question we already asked. Do you support stipends for the ACE Executive Board and/or Negotiations Team?

Our online survey showed promising results, but we need to solidify your response with a vote, so please stop by and check yes or no on a little piece of paper, stuff it in the box, grab yourself some lunch and say hello to your friends. We will be available to answer questions if you have any.

Time: Noon to One o’clock (12-1pm)

Foothill campus: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 FH Council Chambers
De Anza campus: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 DA Admin 109

Lunch will be provided.

Voting is reserved for full dues paying members, but if you would like to change your status from Service Fee Payer to Full Dues, please fill out the membership form. The forms available at the meetings.
