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ACE Update 12.11.17: Happy Holidays, ACE Holiday Party, Thank You Matt, New ACE Officers

Happy Holidays From ACE

Dear Colleagues:

As I close out my first term as president of ACE, I wanted to thank all of you for your support and inspiration. From meeting new employees as well as speaking with FHDA veterans, I have gained a better understanding of the issues important to you and worked hard to address them. The results aren’t always perfect, the work is often slow going (hello classification study), and sometimes disheartening but it is always done with the goal to make your working conditions at FHDA the best they can be. A few of our accomplishments this past year include adding a holiday, opening working out of class opportunities to any FHDA employee before external candidates (this includes temporary employees), increasing the amounts awarded for travel and conference, educational assistance and the Bridge to Medicare program, and keeping your health benefits contribution rate for the 2018 plan year the same as it was in 2017. Not to mention the countless members we have represented to make certain they were treated fairly by management on issues around compensation or discipline.

But we’re not done. With challenging budget times ahead, ACE has been working hard to help the District identify budget saving opportunities before any budget reduction needs to take place.  One of the largest discretionary District budget expenditures, at nearly $2 million a year, is the use of temporary and district-funded student employees.  Some of these placements are legitimate, some are not. After reviewing five years of temporary employee assignments, ACE is working with the district to better identify how and what work is assigned to temporary and student employees to determine if some assignments could, and should, be eliminated before any permanent employee is affected by budget reductions. Or, if the work is necessary, can it be offered to permanent employees on an overtime basis?

Vacant positions are another opportunity for savings.  Currently, both campuses and the District are reviewing vacant positions to determine if they need to be refilled. Many of you have expressed concern to ACE why some positions are being filled and others aren’t when we know we have to reduce next year? This is where transparency gets a murky.  At the Foothill budget town hall, ACE specifically asked if there is a process which explains their rationale to refill or not and where the work goes if a position is left vacant, as ACE is very mindful that the work never really goes away. So far our questions have been followed by deafening silence. ACE will keep asking and when any position is formally eliminated by FHDA Board of Trustee action, ACE will demand an explanation on what happens to that work.

2018 isn’t without opportunity.  The results of our classification study will give us a better idea of the work that we do and if we’re compensated appropriately.  More importantly, moving forward it will serve as benchmark for newly created positions to determine if the work is the same as an existing position but is arbitrarily given a different classification.  This matters for reemployment rights should anyone be laid off.  Thanks to the collaborative efforts from all the bargaining units, like working with the District to share costs around health benefit contributions or forgoing cost of living adjustments during the last budget reduction cycle, the District has been able to save a large stability fund.  The $40 million in District one-time funds gives us a little time and room to negotiate things like workload compensation, early retirement incentives or possibly extend positions slated for reduction.

As I have stated on numerous occasions, ACE only works with the active participation and support from our members.  As a thank you, I hope to see you this week at one of our annual holiday parties.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season,

Chris White, ACE President
(650) 949-7789, office

Please join us for some holiday cheer.
Refreshments will be served.
Wed., Dec. 13
Noon – 1 p.m
Toyon RoomDe Anza
Thurs. Dec. 14
Noon – 1 p.m.
Campus Center Conference Room B

Thank you, Matt!

After five years of service, Matt Trosper, our VP at De Anza is stepping down from the executive board.  If you’re on the De Anza campus and checked your email, even once, you’d know Matt is the guy constantly seeking ACE representatives for hiring committees.  He has also represented ACE on the College Council and the Instructional Planning & Budget Team (IPBT).  Thank you, Matt for your commitment and hard work to improve the working conditions of your colleagues at FHDA.

New ACE Officers

Terms run from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019.

  • President: Chris White
  • Vice President, Central Services: Bill Baldwin
  • Vice President, De Anza:  Precious Gerardo
  • Chief Steward, Foothill:  Art Hand
  • Board Member/Seat 1 De Anza:  Keri Kirkpatrick
  • Board Member Foothill;  Christine Mangiameli


Negotiations Update

Cathleen Monsell, Chair of Negotiations

Our current Agreement was set to expire on October 17, 2017.  As ACE is still reviewing the potential impact of the Districts budget on our members, combined with personnel changes in human resources, the District and ACE have agreed to extend our current Agreement through October 31, 2018 or until a successor Agreement is negotiated and ratified or if we reach an impasse on the negotiations, whichever comes first.

Classification Study: Reminder

We are waiting for the draft classification descriptions from the consultants which should be ready for review in November. Staff will have an opportunity to provide feedback in this process.

The preliminary information provided by the consultants at a Sept. 13 meeting was very promising. The four main themes from their work include: consolidating classifications which do the same work; title changes to more accurately reflect the current market; creation and/or elimination of classifications to reflect the work currently being done or not being done; and establishment of career ladders where applicable.  The Joint Labor Management Classification Committee (JLMCC) meets later this month to negotiate the effects of any changes to the classification structure, like combining classifications and what it means for seniority, etc.  We won’t address the compensation portion until the consultants have agreement from us on the content of the classification descriptions.


  1. We have already agreed with the district that NO ONE will go down, in pay or classification, as result of the consultants findings.  Read that again.  One more time and pass it on.
  2. Classifications are generalized and not every word from the PDQs will be on the final classification description. Positions and classification are two words that are often thought of as interchangeable; but in fact have very different meanings.  In a classification plan, a position is assigned a group of duties and responsibilities performed by one person. A classification may contain only one position, or may consist of a number positions.  When there are several positions assigned to one classification, it means the same title is appropriate for each position because the scope, level, duties, and responsibilities of each position assigned to the classification are sufficiently similar (but not necessarily identical); the same core knowledge, skills, and other requirements are appropriate for all positions; and the same salary range is equitable for all positions.
  3. The goals for this project:  To align job descriptions with the current roles and responsibilities of classified employees, create career ladders were appropriate, and conduct a market analysis of compensation in similar or like jobs in other districts.
  4. Authority:  A Joint Labor Management Classification Committee (JLMCC) was established to negotiate this process. Representing ACE are Cathleen Monsell, chair of negotiations, Chris White, ACE president, and Bradley Booth, attorney for ACE.  Representing the District are Myisha Washington from human resources, Lisa Mandy, De Anza administrator, and Kevin Harral, Foothill administrator.  Neither side has more authority and the consultants report to the committee.  ACE and the District mutually agreed to the selection of Koff & Associates after independent research and reference checks.

ACE Officer Election Results

Below are the results of the ACE officer election.  Their term run from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019.

President: Chris White

Vice President, Central Services: Bill Baldwin

Vice President, De Anza:  Precious Gerardo

Chief Steward, Foothill:  Art Hand

Board Member/Seat 1 De Anza:  Keri Kirkpatrick

Board Member Foothill;  Christine Mangiameli

ACE Officer Elections Reminder Voting Now Open. Closes at 1 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 16.

Good Afternoon ACE Members,

 Voting for ACE officer positions is now open.

All eligible members should have recently received an email from titled  “ACE Vote for Candidates.”
Keep an eye out for this email, which contains complete details on how to vote with your unique login information.

***If you tried to vote for Central Services Vice President and received an error please try again. We have corrected the problem and you can now cast your vote*****

Voting closes at 1 p.m. this Thursday, Nov.16.

ACE voting at large for the following position:
Candidate for President: Chris White
 Candidate Statement: My name is Chris White and I would like to ask for your support in re-electing me as president of ACE.  Over the past two years I have learned a lot about what ACE – its members and the organization – want and need and I have worked diligently to address them to the best of my ability. My reasons for serving remain unchanged from my first candidacy, to strengthen our contract and to strengthen the unity of our membership. 
A few of the ways I have done this during my tenure,:
  • Launched a classification study to better align job descriptions with the current roles and responsibilities of classified employees, develop career ladders where appropriate, and conduct a market analysis of compensation in similar or like jobs in other districts. As we move into more challenging budget times this work will prove critical if reductions need to be made.
  • Worked with our negotiations team to strengthen our Agreement with new opportunities for classified members to transfer or work out of class before positions are opened to external candidates, increased adjustments on the salary scale and reduced the time to advance between step 6 and step 7, added a paid holiday and increased funding for benefits just to name a few.
  • Increased member communication through a monthly newsletter, added a review of topics as they relate to our Agreement at monthly site meetings, and partnered with the Professional Development Office at De Anza to provide training around Professional Growth Awards (PGAs), educational assistance, staff development leave, and travel and conference funding to help our members better take advantage of these negotiated benefits.
  • Instituted training for stewards, negotiators and board members – ongoing and as-needed – to ensure they have the skills, knowledge and resources to make them effective advocates for our members and the organization.
           But there is more work to do, including:
  • Complete the classification study, which still includes a compensation study and addressing the affect on seniority, reclassification, and career growth. 
  • Address district and college budget reduction plans, including the use of temporary and student employees, as they relate to ACE and our members.
  • Mentor new ACE leadership to take the reigns when current officers retire or move on to new opportunities so as an organization we maintain our greatest strength, our independence.
Serving as ACE President over these past two years has been the most challenging and, more importantly, the most rewarding endeavor in my career. I honestly believe together we are stronger and look forward to working with you on our future challenges.  I hope you will vote for me for President.
In unity,
Chris White
ACE voting for the following candidates is specific to your location.  For example, if you work for De Anza, you will only vote for De Anza officers. 

De Anza
Candidate for De Anza Vice President: Precious Gerardo
Candidate Statement: “My name is Precious Gerardo and I am the Facilities and Equipment Assistant for the Physical Education and Athletics Department. I have only been full time for 1 year, but I have been working at De Anza for the last 3 years. I am offering my experience and talents to represent De Anza classified staff within our Union Organization as Vice President.
I know my time here at De Anza is nothing compared to the many of you who have given your lives to the mission and students of De Anza. However, thanks to the many relationships I built with my colleagues I feel I can represent classified staff moving forward. I understand De Anza has a strong sense of tradition, but also a desire to be innovative and at the top of every list. It is important to update our policies and contracts, while at the same time protect the traditions, benefits, and Spirit that brought us all to De Anza.
I would appreciate your vote for me, Precious Gerardo, to serve De Anza Classified Staff as Vice President on the Association of Classified Employees (ACE).”

Candidate for De Anza Board Member: Keri Kirkpatric
Candidate Statement: I have served on the ACE board since 2011. During my time on the board, I have learned a great deal about collective bargaining and workers’ rights, as well as our District and the community of Classified Professionals who are served by the Union. I believe that we are lucky in this District to have a strong, independent union that looks out for our best interests, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving as a Board Member representing De Anza.”

Central Services

Candidate for Central Services Vice-President: William Baldwin
Candidate Statement: “Hi — I’m Bill Baldwin from ETS, and I’m running for re-election as ACE VP of Central Services.  I have served a term as VP, and previous terms as De Anza and Central Services Chief Steward, and I intend to build on that experience.
As VP I have the responsibility of appointing ACE representatives to hiring committees.  I would like to improve that process.  This is a great opportunity to work towards Professional Growth Awards, and I’d like to make that more widely known.  I’d also like to reassure potential representatives as far as the time and commitment required to serve as an ACE rep.  It is usually quite modest; I’d like you to consider serving on a hiring committee this coming year.
I also represent ACE on the District Diversity and Equity Advisory Committee (DDEAC), which meets jointly with the HR Advisory Committee (HRAC).  In this capacity I would like to encourage you to consider training to serve as an Equal Opportunity representative on Hiring Committees.  We can all tackle equity together, eh <smile>?
I take my commitment to diversity and equity seriously, and I welcome your feedback and thoughts on the current environment at Foothill-De Anza.  I was honored last year to attend the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE).  There I participated in workshops on diversity issues and met education professionals from all over the country who are dedicated to improving opportunities in higher education.
I look forward to continuing this work if you elect me for another term as ACE Central Services VP.
Thank you!”


Candidate for Foothill Chief Steward: Art Hand
Candidate Statement: “I have been volunteering to serve in this role for a long time. I continue for several reasons: one, I can remember the job description, which is simply, “to represent the workers to management.” Of the two jobs–the one they pay me to do, Library Technician, Sr., and the one I volunteer to do; Chief Steward, Foothill, it is the second that I continue to find challenging, and sometimes even rewarding. Rewarding in the sense that sometimes there’s evidence that my involvement in a situation has been to the benefit of my coworker or coworkers. That’s satisfying, and is a big part of why I continue. If I’m elected (again), I will serve. If someone else should run, and is elected, I will volunteer my services as a steward, and support that person as best I can.”

Candidate for Foothill Board Member: Christine Mangiameli
 Candidate Statement: I have really enjoyed being Foothill’s Ace Board Member and ask that you vote for me again.  I continue to participate in the VEBA Board, and may be President this coming year (the vote has not taken place yet).  Work on the ACE Board is important for all classified employees, and I actively keep my ears open to all changes that affect our workplace and positions.   It would be an honor to continue to represent Foothill Classified Staff.  Please give me your vote.
Christine Mangiameli”