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ACE Update: 03.12.2020 – COVID-19 and Employee Expectations; PGA and CalPERS; Dues Forgiveness March 2020; 2020-2021 COLA Implementation

President’s Message

With the District and colleges making the decision to cease face-to-face classes while staff remain on campus it can feel like staff are left exposed and expendable. For the record, it is not just staff who will remain on campus. Some lab classes, applied arts, PE, and allied health programs will continue face-to-face instruction.  Chancellor Miner has communicated through numerous memos that the District is following recommendations provided by the State Chancellor’s Office and County of Santa Clara Department of Public Health. By moving students online, the goal is to reduce the the spread of the disease (social distancing) and lower the risk of exposure to FHDA employees. There is no one-size fits all response to this situation and any response requires flexibility, patience and communication.

Last Tuesday, March 11, Vice Chancellor of Human Resources Dorene Novotny sent a very comprehensive email, in consultation with all of the bargaining units, detailing COVID-19 and employee expectations.  You can find the full text of the email here. but to highlight one section pertinent to where we are today:

Employee Work Expectations
Work areas may include your office, your classroom, your front desk service area, your lab, or the physical area you are assigned to maintain – essentially, the area(s) where you normally work and provide service to students or employees. During this time, there is a variety of scenarios that could affect your work area or program:

  1. Your work area remains open and continues to provide services to students and/or employees without change;
  2. Your work area is disrupted and there is an expectation that services continue but in a different way, such as through remote work location or electronic delivery of service; and
  3. Your work area is closed and no services continue.

Work Area Remains Open
If your work area continues to provide service without interruption, you are expected to continue work as normal, to the extent you are well and able to do so. If you are experiencing illness yourself, you are not expected to work and may need to use leave (see below). If you are well but have health concerns that may place you at higher risk, please discuss these with your supervisor to determine if alternate arrangements can be provided, or call the District Office of Human Resources to discuss accommodation for your unique needs.

Work Area is Disrupted but Work Continues in a Different Way
If your work area is disrupted you may be asked to continue work from an alternate work location, such as your home, another location at the district or college, or another work location off district or college property. Under these scenarios, you are expected to continue working to the extent that you are able. In this case, services may be provided in a different format, within different time periods, etc.

Work Area is Closed and No Services are Provided
If your work area is closed and services are not expected to continue in some way, you will not be expected to work. Employees identified as “essential personnel” may be required to work through any closure to the extent that they are able and it is safe to do so.

If you don’t feel comfortable working in your department area, interfacing with the public, or being on campus, talk to your supervisor to see what reasonable accommodations can be made.  This is where flexibility and communication are essential for success.  You also have leave options. Read the March 11 memo sent by Vice Chancellor Novotny, referenced above, which clearly explains the majority of leave options.  The short version:

  • If you’re sick, you would use your sick leave.
  • Care for an ill family member who is mandated by the CDC or county health department, you will receive full compensation for the duration of the quarantine.  Documentation by the health departrtment or CDC is required to be paid. (Article 10.8)
  • Care for a family member with no mandate to quarantine, you would use personal leave.  If you’re out of personal leave, you can use up to seven (7) days of your sick leave.  Anytime additional time needed would would be unpaid or covered by vacation.
  • If you’re not comfortable being on campus and do not want follow the accommodation your supervisor has offered, you can use unpaid or vacation leave.

If your work area is closed and you are not reassigned to an alternate work location or work assignment, the district will continue pay starting with the first day of a closure, and you would not be required to use leave during this time unless you were already out on vacation or sick leave when the closure occurred. You would need to account for that time off with the appropriate leave.

Ultimately, management has the right of assignment and while students may not be on campus, we are still open and services need to be provided. It is imperative that you work with your supervisor to find options that will work for you and your department. Information and decisions are changing rapidly as we address the impact of COVID-19 on daily operations. Please make sure you’re reading all communication from the District, college and supervisor. If you need assistance, contact your chief steward.


Chris White, ACE President
(650) 949-7789, office”The fight is never about lettuce or grapes.  It is always about people”. – César Chávez

Negotiations Update

Chair of Negotiations , Cathleen Monsell

The ACE negotiations team continues to meet with the District on almost a weekly basis trying to negotiate the results of the classification study by Koff. ACE believes that we should using the data that was given to us by KOFF, but the District has performed an internal alignment that has changed some of the results. It seems to be a very slow and difficult process to come to terms, but we are moving forward.


Veteran’s Day Observation

On Jan. 6, we surveyed the membership for a possible change in the way FHDA observes Veteran’s Day. We poised the question, where previously FHDA has observed Veteran’s Day on the Monday or Friday closest to Nov. 11, regardless of which day of the week the holiday actually falls upon to observing the holiday on Nov. 11.  With a 39% response rate, 52% of respondents approved moving observation of Veteran’s Day to Nov. 11.

PGA and CalPERS – Request for Application Materials


For members affected by CalPERS’ decision to only include section one of the Professional Growth Award (PGA) application towards pensionable income.

  1. If you would like to review your previous award(s) information, please send an email to  Be sure to include your CWID.
  2. This request is for a copy of your completed application(s) and the tally sheet(s) used by the PGA committee. No back up material will be provided.  This should help you determine how many hours you have under section one, whether they were used for a award or carried forward, to estimate how many of your completed PGA’s are eligible as pensionable income per CalPERS. 200 hours of credit equals one award. For example, if you’ve completed eight awards but only have 1,000 hours in section one, CalPERS will credit five awards as pensionable (5 x 200 = 1,000 hours).
  3. Turn around time to receive the request for information is approximately two weeks.  To not overburden an already short-staffed human resources department.  Your patience is appreciated.

If you would like all of your PGA’s to qualify as special compensation under CalPERS’ rules, we have already negotiated additional funding ($20,000 per year for two years) for affected employees to take courses at no cost to replace hours on already earned PGAs which are not pensionable.  In addition, we are still working with the District on an MOU to hopefully include courses which were taken but not included on an application, waiving the requirement for a 100 new hours per award, and/or allowing courses taken on Staff Development Leave (SDL) which were paid with educational assistance.  ACE and the District are committed to helping staff have as many previously earned PGAs count towards pensionable income as possible.

As a reminder, awards are still worth $90 each.  It is only the activities under CalPERS rules for educational incentive special compensation which has changed.

2020-2021 COLA Implementation

The six percent 2020-2021 COLA is still on track to be implemented for your March 2020 paycheck, as we reported back at the end of October.  While the agreement has yet to go to the FHDA Board of Trustees for approval – the District is still working on some programming issues – Vice Chancellor Dorene Novoty has informed ACE that “all the planning, programming and testing is still in progress with expected implementation March payroll. No changes to that”.

Dues Forgiveness March 2020

ACE will forgive dues in your March paycheck (March 31).  For Classified Hourly employees, this will be reflected in your April15 paycheck.

Why does ACE forgive dues? ACE works really hard to be as fiscally prudent with dues collected from members. When we spend less than we’ve budgeted for the year, we forgive dues. This year, because the classification study has taken longer than anticipated and re-classifications are on hold until it is completed, funds budgeted to cover costs associated with classification issues  – ACE pays half the cost for appeals – we’re on track to spend less than budgeted.

What does ACE spend dues money on? Access to representation was the main reason we chose to be an independent union and it is the largest expense in our annual budget.  Several months a year, our legal representation itemizes their bill, and the work they do on our behalf often exceeds the flat monthly fee we pay them.  Other expenses include potential legal costs such as: arbitration (ACE pays half), court filing fees and expert testimonies; accountants, insurance, financial audits and taxes; office supplies, web hosting and routine state fees for running a small business; and training for officers and stewards, food for site meetings and elective stipends for ACE officers.  We also have monies set aside for a strike fund and a 5% budget reserve.

Does ACE spend money collected from dues on political activities?  No.

Welcome New Members

Please take a moment to welcome our newest members.  Invite them to a site meeting, answer their questions or point them to their steward if they need additional guidance.  Our association only works with the active participation from all our members.

De Anza
Ammalinh Chan, administrative assistant I, EOPS
Christian Lustre, instructional support cord, Student Success
Iman Seale, communications associate, Office of Communications

Know Your Agreement: Personal Leave vs. Sick Leave

Sick leave and personal days are a type of negotiated employment benefit in the form of paid time off for illness or to deal with a personal/private matter.  A sick day is fairly self-explanatory and can be used for an employees illness and/or their related medical appointments. Personal days can cover things like the illness of a child, family medical appointments, financial or legal appointments, military obligations, or religious holidays.  Not sure when to use which one?

At A Glance

  • Sick leave is accumulative, personal is not.
  • Personal leave scheduled in advance (whenever possible) and needs supervisor approval. Sick leave does not.

10.1 – Sick Leave
Sick leave provides continuation of pay to the District worker who cannot perform her/his duties because of physical or mental illness or injury.

  • Earn eight (8) hours per month. Classified hourly and part-time earn amount equal to the percent of a full-time contract.
  • No limit to the amount of sick leave which either full or partial contract workers may earn and accumulate from year to year.
  • Sick leave may be used in increments of one-quarter hour or longer.
  • A worker has available for use all of their earned sick leave plus the balance of their full potential entitlement for the current fiscal year. The number of sick leave hours earned, the number used during the current fiscal year, and the worker’s balance will appear on the check stub each month.
  • For employees only, sick leave may be used for medical appointments.  After all personal necessity leave has been exhausted, up to seven days can be used for care of an ill member of the worker’s immediate family (as defined in Section 10.15). Under certain circumstances approved by the Director of Human Resources, sick leave can also be used for other reasons of personal necessity.
  • Whenever a worker is absent on sick leave for three or more working days or when a pattern of sick leave suggests a chronic illness, a medical report that outlines the nature of the problem and the probable date of full recovery may be required. If the information from the worker’s personal physician is insufficient, an examination by a physician of the District’s choosing may be required, at District expense.
  • During any fiscal year a worker may convert up to 60 hours of earned sick leave credit in excess of 240 hours to vacation leave credit at the rate of six hours of sick leave credit for four hours of vacation leave credit. The request to convert sick leave credit to vacation leave credit under this section must be made in writing to the Director of Human Resources and will be approved only if the vacation leave credit does not cause the vacation leave balance to exceed the maximum accrual allowed (2 years).

10.15 Personal Leave
For the purpose of this section “personal necessity” means obligations or unavoidable duties of an individual worker that must be performed during regularly scheduled working hours.

  • Full-time earn 40 hours each fiscal year.Part-time earn amount equal to the percent of a full-time contract.Classified hourly earn three days a year.
  • Eligibility for personal necessity leave begins on the first of the calendar month following six complete months of employment.
  • May not be used in lieu of vacation or sick leave (except after an illness of 10 working days or more and no full-pay sick leave is available, a worker may use personal necessity leave.)
  • Unless there are unavoidable and compelling reasons (i.e., medical appointments or illness after being on extended sick leave) personal necessity leave may not be taken in conjunction with any holiday, sick leave, vacation, or other leave of absence.
  • Personal necessity leave is not cumulative.
  • It must be scheduled in advance with the supervisor whenever possible. When advance scheduling is not possible because of an emergency situation, the worker is required to notify the supervisor as soon as possible that the worker is requesting personal leave. All personal leave must have the approval of the supervisor as evidenced by the supervisor’s signature on the time sheet.
  • Unless there are unavoidable and compelling reasons (i.e., medical appointments or illness after being on extended sick leave) personal necessity leave may not be taken in conjunction with any holiday, sick leave, vacation, or other leave of absence.
  • To ensure confidentiality, a worker may request Personal Necessity Leave by the subsection number without giving the exact nature of the request. The worker’s appropriate supervisor(s) may require a more exact explanation before granting Personal Necessity Leave, in which case the worker may respond orally and the response shall be considered confidential between the worker and his/her supervisor(s). In unique emergency situations additional hours of personal necessity leave may be granted by the Director of Human Resources.
  • Circumstances under which personal necessity leave is appropriate include, but are not limited to:
    • Emergencies or obligations related to the worker’s home or family members, including medical or dental appointments for the worker’s family members when the nature of the appointment requires the worker’s presence, or special family obligations such as attending a family member’s graduation or marriage ceremony;
    • Emergencies or obligations related to the worker, including appointments for the purpose of conducting personal legal affairs or financial transactions, receipt of a court order requiring absence from work, or observation of a major religious holiday of the worker’s faith.

ACE Update: 12.12.19: Happy Holidays, Party Time, SDL Applications Due, Deferred Compensation Survey, Holiday Pay

President’s Message

I am going to keep this short and sweet.  We can talk about bonds, parcel taxes, budgets, classification studies and the whole host of items which impact our work at FHDA in January.  Below are a few reminders for upcoming deadlines and our holiday parties but mostly this newsletter is a moment to say thank you.

Thank you for your support this past year. Thank you for your continued belief in the concept that we are stronger together. Thank you to my colleagues on the ACE Executive Board, ours stewards and negotiators for continuing to do the work which benefits the greater good of the membership.  Thank you to the staff on both campuses and central services who quietly help me behind the scenes and make my job easier. Thank you to our attorney and labor representative who stand with us every time we ask. As i’ve said on numerous occasions, ACE only works with the active participation and support from our members.  This year, you have all showed up.  Thank you.

Wishing you a season of joy and looking forward to continued solidarity in 2020.


Chris White, ACE President
(650) 949-7789, office”The fight is never about lettuce or grapes.  It is always about people”. – César Chávez

Holiday Parties

We hope you will join us for some holiday cheer.

De Anza                            Foothill
Tuesday, Dec. 17               Wednesday, Dec. 18
Noon – 1 pm.                       Noon – 1 p.m.

Fireside Lounge                Toyon Room (2020)

Staff Development Leave Applications Due Monday, Dec. 16

If you’re applying for a Staff Development Leave (SDL) for the 2020-2021 academic year, your application is due to human resources NO LATER THAN next Monday, Dec. 16 at 5 p.m..

Sitting in interoffice mail doesn’t cut it. The Office of Human Resources must have your application in their office by 5 p.m. on December 16.

If you are missing signatures, you must still submit your application by the deadline on the 16th.  You have until January 31 to get all necessary signatures turned into human resources.

REMINDER:  FHDA Deferred Compensation Plan Survey

If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to fill out our FHDA Deferred Compensation Plan Survey.  To get a better understanding if, and how, members use this benefit we are asking for your feedback regarding current options and what you would like to see as it relates to retirement planning. The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete and is anonymous.

To start the survey, please visit    The survey closes this Friday, Dec. 13 at 5 p.m.

Whether you currently have a 403(b) or 457 plan, your feedback is crucial to ensuring benefits offered through the District actually work for our members.

Thank you,

Scott Olsen, Central Services ACE board member
Sushini Chand, De Anza ACE board member

ACE Officers 2020

With the exception of the ACE President, it is important to remember that all of these officers, stewards and negotiators serve in addition to their permanent Foothill-De Anza job.  Officers are elected to two-year terms, negotiators are elected to three-year terms with the chair decided by secret ballot among the negotiators. The chair of negotiations serves as an officer on the ACE Executive Board. Additional stewards and vacancies are appointed by the executive board.

Term Ends
President Chris White Dec. 31, 2021
Chair of Negotiations Cathleen Monsell Oct. 31, 2021
Treasurer Kathy Nguyen Dec. 31, 2020
Recorder Shawna Santiago Dec. 31, 2020
Central Services
Chief Steward Anthony Caceres Dec. 31, 2020
Vice President Scott Olsen Dec. 31, 2021
Board Member vacant Dec. 31, 2020
De Anza
Chief Steward Erika Flores Dec. 31, 2020
Vice President Vins Chacko Dec. 31, 2021
Board Member, Seat 1 Keri Kirkpatrick Dec. 31, 2021
Board Member, Seat 2 Sushini Chand Dec. 31, 2020
Chief Steward Andre Meggerson Dec. 31, 2021
Vice President Denise Perez Dec. 31, 2020
Board Member Christine Mangiameli Dec. 31, 2021
Additional Stewards
Foothill Catalina Rodriguez none
Central Services Terry Rowe Oct. 31, 2021
De Anza Cathleen Monsell Oct. 31, 2021
Foothill Chris Chavez Oct. 31, 2021
At-large Dana Kennedy Oct. 31, 2021
At-large Joseph Gilmore Oct. 31, 2021
At-large Andrea Santa Cruz Oct. 31, 2021

Holiday Pay

Whether it comes at Christmas or on the Fourth of July, holiday pay is a negotiated benefit that makes it possible for you to take time off and still earn your standard wage. That’s because the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require employers to pay for time not worked. In addition, if an employee has to work on a holiday there is no law which requires workers earn time-and-a-half or even double time but it is another benefit negotiated as part of our Agreement.

Holiday pay is straight time pay based on a 5 day work week. To be eligible for holiday pay, a worker must be in paid status either the working day before or the working day following the holiday. Employees are deemed to be in paid status when receiving regular, sick, personal leave or vacation pay. Each worker who is not regularly scheduled to work on the day on which the holiday falls shall be entitled to observe the holiday on another workday designated by the District unless the day is mutually agreed upon by the employee and the supervisor.(Article 9.1)

For the majority of employees, holiday pay covers eight hours. However, if a supervisor assigns an alternate schedule to an employee without their consent then that employee will be entitled to holiday pay for the hours normally worked, (i.e. 4-10-40 would get 10 hours holiday pay).  Classified hourly employees shall be eligible for pro-rata holiday pay as a percent of a full-time contract when the holiday falls on a regularly scheduled work day or if the employee is in paid status on the day before or day after a holiday except that employees will be paid for the December 25 and January 1 holidays if they were in paid status during any portion of the work day of their normal assignment immediately preceding or following the holiday period. (Article 9.1 and 13.1)

If a worker is required to work on a holiday, the worker shall be compensated as follows:

  1. The worker will receive pay at the regular hourly rate,and
  2. The worker will receive pay at the overtime rate for the number of hours worked on the holiday.

Approval to work on a holiday must be granted in advance, and the entry on the time report must be initialed by the supervisor.

ACE Update 11.14.19: Member Representation; Dues Forgiveness; PGAs and CalPERS; Bond vs. Parcel Tax; Negotiations Update

President’s Message

As I close out my second term as president of ACE, I wanted to thank all of you for your support and inspiration. It is always wonderful to talk with new and veteran colleagues to get a better understanding of the issues important to you. Over the past year, your ACE representatives have worked hard to address your concerns. The results aren’t always perfect, the work is often slow going (hello classification study), and sometimes disheartening (hi negotiations) but it is always done with the goal to make your working conditions at FHDA the best they can be.

A few of our accomplishments this past year include navigating the largest budget reduction in the district’s history ($17.6 million). We were able to minimize the elimination of filled positions – 1.5  out of 17 identified filled positions were cut – with 45 vacant ones also eliminated. No one went down in pay and out of 400 positions – 99 percent of which are full time – only one was reduced by 50 percent. In addition, your costs for benefits did not go up. We were also able to negotiate six percent cost of living adjustment for this year, increase funding for travel and conference, and develop a timeline for completion of the classification study with a financial implementation date back to July 1, 2019. Not to mention the countless members we have represented to make certain they were treated fairly by management on issues around compensation or discipline. Imagine how different all of this would look without a collective bargaining agreement.

There is still more work to be done. We still have our lawsuit against CalPERS regarding 2019-20’s five percent salary adjustment with a slated court date of February 2020. We  dropped our unfair labor practice (ULP) against the District to get them to the bargaining table where we still have additional items to iron out (see below). A successful bond or parcel tax could open further negotiations around compensation and additional one-time funding from the state in 2019-20 leaves open the possibility for more professional development opportunities.

Member representation remains a priority for ACE.  Recent changes to our constitution, approved by you, more clearly define our fiscal obligation to members vs. nonmembers. We continue to operate the business side of ACE as efficiently as possible, forgiving dues when we can, keeping 96 percent of our operating costs directly tied to member representation, and investing our money more strategically to make it work for us. Out of all the work ACE board members, stewards and negotiators do, I hope it is clear that we all do this work from a desire to help and because we believe in the concept that we are stronger together.

In Solidarity,

Chris White, ACE President
(650) 949-7789, office”The fight is never about lettuce or grapes.  It is always about people”. – César Chávez

Dues Forgiveness November 2019

ACE will forgive dues in your November paycheck (Nov. 30).  For Classified Hourly employees, this will be reflected in your December 15 paycheck.

Why does ACE forgive dues? ACE works really hard to be as fiscally prudent with dues collected from members. When we spend less than we’ve budgeted for the year, we forgive dues. This year, because the classification study has taken longer than anticipated and re-classifications are on hold until it is completed, funds budgeted to cover costs associated with classification issues  – ACE pays half the cost for appeals – we’re on track to spend less than budgeted.

What does ACE spend dues money on? Access to representation was the main reason we chose to be an independent union and it is the largest expense in our annual budget.  Several months a year, our legal representation itemizes their bill, and the work they do on our behalf often exceeds the flat monthly fee we pay them.  Other expenses include potential legal costs such as: arbitration (ACE pays half), court filing fees and expert testimonies; accountants, insurance, financial audits and taxes; office supplies, web hosting and routine state fees for running a small business; and training for officers and stewards, food for site meetings and elective stipends for ACE officers.  We also have monies set aside for a strike fund and a 5% budget reserve.

Does ACE spend money collected from dues on political activities?  No.

Professional Growth Awards and CalPERS

Professional growth awards (PGA) are an incentive for workers to participate in activities designed to enhance and update performance through continuing education and involvement in professional organizations and associations, and to improve the capabilities of the worker during the period of employment with the District. Two hundred hours are needed for an award and those hours can be earned across six different categories.   This extra compensation is not part of an employee’s base pay and is attributed as special compensation when reported to CalPERS.

With a large retiree exodus in June and a new account administrator at CalPERS, some of the activities allowed under PGA were called into question regarding their eligibility as pensionable income.  In fact, CalPERS has made the determination that only hours earned in section one (college, adult education or trade school courses) meets the definition for special compensation as defined by the California Code of Regulations, section 571:

Under topic #2, Educational Pay, where PGA is categorized:

“Educational Incentive is defined as compensation to employees for completing educational courses, certificates and degrees which enhance their ability to do their job. A program or system must be in place to evaluate and approve acceptable courses. The cost of education that is required for the employee’s current job classification is not included in this item of special compensation”.

Under topic #5, Statutory items, subsection d:

“If an items of special compensation is not listed in subsection (a), or is out of compliance with any of the standards in subsection (b) as reported for an individual, then it shall not be used to calculate final compensation for that individual”.

From my research, these rules were instituted as early as 1994

What does this mean?

Your awards are still worth $90 each but for pensionable reporting purposes, CalPERS will prorate the percentage of an award to those hours attributed to section one.

What can ACE do?

The response received from Anthony Booth of our legal team:

“There have been some questions received by ACE regarding what, if anything, ACE can do to challenge PERS’ unwillingness to accept certain PGA award credits, which were previously accepted as valid.
Unfortunately, this is a regulatory issue administered by PERS, pursuant to the California Code of Regulations. As they have evaluated their process, they have determined that they were not properly following their own regulation when admitting certain credits.
Unfortunately for us, courts will ALWAYS defer to the administrative agency responsible for promulgating and applying their own regulations. Thus, we cannot challenge this change because PERS has determined that certain credits do not meet the standard of “educational courses, certificates and degrees”, which is well within their rights”

ACE is working with the District to have any rolled forward educational hours substituted for already earned PGAs, including classes which were not part of a PGA application.  Some people would have this if they used educational assistance to pay for the classes. We are waiting to hear from CalPERS whether this substitution would be acceptable or not as the District is not comfortable agreeing to anything until they’ve heard from them.  We have already negotiated additional funding  ($20,000 per year for two years) for affected employees to take courses at no cost to them to replace hours on already earned PGAs which are not pensionable.  ACE also has an email into a representative with CalPERS to find out what happens to the contributions employees made, and those made by the district on behalf of employees, on those awards; what specifically do they mean by “completing educational courses, certificates and degrees which enhance their ability to do their job”; moving forward will it be CalPERS or the District’s responsibility to review appropriateness of courses; and a whole host of other questions.

I can understand your frustration and disappointment and we are all working as diligently as we can to find solutions for affected employees.

Bond vs. Parcel Tax – A Primer

The district is considering placing a general obligation bond or parcel tax or both on the March 3, 2020 ballot.  Over the past few months the District has been surveying the community on what type of programs and/or measures they would support with a bond or parcel tax; holding town halls and other community outreach efforts regarding the Flint Center; and preparing a list of capital projects and equipment needs should the board decide to move forward with a bond and/or parcel tax initiative. The FHDA Board of Trustees will be reviewing a resolution brought by the District to act on a bond and/or parcel tax or both for the March 3, 2020 eledtion at a special meeting on Monday, November 25 at 6 p.m. at Foothill.  You should attend.

What is the difference between a parcel tax and a bond?

Parcel tax General obligation bond
Definition A levy on parcels of property typically set at a fixed amount per parcel. Cannot be based on a property’s value. A levy on property based on assessed value and used for voter-approved debt.
Voter approval requirement Two-thirds or 66.67 percent of voters 55 percent of voters
Restrictions and requirements
  • Use of funds restricted to the public programs, services, or projects described in the tax measure. May include salaries.
  • Chief Business Officer (CBO) required to give public update to school board each year on the amount of funds generated and how funds are being spent.
  • Duration of tax must be specified in measure, typically three to seven years.
  • Funds may only be used for school facilities. May not be used for teacher or administrator salaries.
  • Independent annual audit and citizens’ oversight committee review required.
  • Measure must include a specific list of projects.
  • Two-thirds of governing board must approve the bond.
  • Measure must be on a statewide or regularly scheduled local election.
  • Property tax may not exceed $25 per $100,000 of taxable property value.
Pros and cons
  • Considered a regressive tax. Property owners pay a fixed amount per parcel, regardless of property value.
  • Possible to exempt certain groups of property owners, such as senior citizens.
  • Stable, short-term funding for three to seven years.
  • Flexibility in use of funds for programs and salaries.
  • Provides less revenue overall than a general obligation bond.
  • Can be problematic upon expiration of parcel tax authorization if revenue has been used for ongoing expenses, such as employee compensation.
  • Considered a progressive tax. Property owners pay more or less based on assessed value of property.
  • Opportunity to reduce projected costs to taxpayers through refinancing of bonds.
  • Long-term funding of 10 to 30 years.
  • Restricted to funding facilities but can offset general fund dollars that would otherwise cover facilities debt, scheduled maintenance, technology and instructional equipment replacement/upgrades, and salaries directly related to administrative oversight work on construction projects authorized by voters in a bond measure.

What bonds or parcel taxes has Foothill-De Anza passed?

Foothill – De Anza successfully passed two bond measures: Measure E in 1999 for $248 million and Measure C in 2006 for $490.8 million.  A full list of projects for both of those measure can be found under the bond measure web page.  In 2010, FHDA was unsuccessful in passing a parcel tax, estimated to provide an additional $7 million annually, garnering 57 of the 66.67 percent of votes needed to pass.

Negotiations Update

by Cathleen Monsell, chair of negotiations

We continue to negotiate with the District on the implementation of the classification study.  Our legal representative had to make clear our dismissal of the unfair labor practice (ULP) didn’t not dismiss our assertion that we are operating from the terms agreed upon with the the District in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) regarding the salary portion of the study signed in January of 2017. We agreed to drop the ULP and bargain the issue.  We’re waiting for the District to bring a proposal to the table. We met on Nov. 7 and meet again on Nov. 20.  We also still need to define a process for travel and conference fund applications and are addressing the issues with PGA and CalPERS.

Ratification Vote

Thank you to everyone who voted.

ACE 2019-2020 Negotiated Agreement
Number of Eligible Voters: 353
Number Who Voted: 206
Response Rate 58%

1)   Yes I approve

Number of Votes: 205

2)   No I do not approve

Number of Votes: 1

Officer Election Results

Thank you to everyone who voted.   Officers elected for January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021. Terms are staggered so not all officer positions were up for election this year.

ACE                                                  De Anza
Chris White, president                     Vins Chacko, vice president
Keri Kirkpatric, board member seat 1

Central Services                                    Foothill
Scott Olsen, vice president             Christine Mangiameli, board member
Andre Meggerson, chief steward

Thank You Josh Pelletier

Josh has been chief steward for Foothill since March of 2018. He has served with gravitas, professionalism and compassion and his advocacy for workers leaves a lasting impact on the ACE organization. On a personal note, I want to thank Josh for his counsel and friendship.  On more than one occasion, he has listened to me lament and provided sound advice, and a laugh, so I could continue to do this work.

We wish him well in his new role as supervisor for community outreach at Foothill.

Wanted:  Interim Board Member, Central Services

ACE is seeking an interim board member for Central Services.  The position would start January 1, 2020 and run through December 31, 2020.  ACE board members serve in addition to their full-time FHDA job. The position is voluntary with ACE providing an optional $125 monthly stipend.

As part of the executive board, board members are directly responsible for:

  1. The operation of ACE.
  2. Assuring the appropriate expenditure of funds.
  3. Proper and legal administration and implementation of the Constitution.
  4. Any representation of ACE that has been authorized by the Board in order to bind ACE or agree to any issues subject to collective bargaining and EERA.

Duties of the Board Members:
There are four (4) Board Members nominated from and elected by the General Membership. The Board Members shall:

  1. Ensure that the interests and directives of the General Membership are represented at Board Meetings.
  2. Serve on two (2) College or District Committees pertinent to ACE business and report back to the Board.
  3. Attend the Classified Senate meeting at each location. At least one Board Member from each site should attend, but two (2) members should not serve on the same Senate.

Serving as a Board Member requires subordination of personal interests to those that represent the highest good of the members. Board Members shall have no greater rights than any other member of ACE.

Attendance at Meetings
Executive board members are required to attend all general membership and site meetings in their respective jurisdictions and meetings of the executive board unless the absence is excused by the president of a majority of the Board.

Current meetings of the Central Services ACE Board Member 2019 – 2020:

  • District Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC), which rarely meets.
  • ACE Board Meetings: the second Wednesday of every month, alternating between campuses.
  • Central Services Classified Senate meetings.
  • Any special projects or committees.

Next Step
If you’re interesting in serving as the board member for central services, please send an email to no later than Friday, Dec. 6.