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[two-thirds]The negotiating team shall consist of six (6) members and the president of the executive board, who have been nominated from and elected by the general membership from each area, and any labor consultant(s) currently under contract with ACE whose services include assisting with negotiations. Negotiators shall have no greater rights than any other member of ACE.

a. The structure of the negotiating team shall be subject to the collective bargaining agreement. The Negotiating Team shall consist of at least one member from each location, meaning one (1) member from Foothill, one (1) member from De Anza, and one (1) from Central Services. The remaining three positions may be fulfilled by members elected from any of the three locations.

b. The executive board will designate sites within the ACE structure from which representatives shall be chosen in accordance with Section 5.6a above.

c. The president shall serve as a member of the negotiating team. However, in an effort to allow for a broader share of authority within the Unit, the president shall not be considered eligible to be elected as the Negotiations Chair.

d. Negotiating team members must attend all of the planning and negotiating meetings, unless the absence is excused by the chair of the team or the majority of the team. Immediately upon the second unexcused absence they may be removed from the team.

e. The chair of negotiations must serve on the district benefits committee pertinent to negotiations.

f. The negotiators choose a negotiations chair by secret ballot after a new team is elected.

Serving as a negotiating team member requires subordination of personal interests to those that represent the highest good of the members. Negotiators shall have no greater rights than any other member of ACE.
