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Voluntary Transfer Opportunities for ACE Members – July 2016

Last October, you voted for changes to Article 7 of our Agreement which added a process for members to request a voluntary transfer (Article 7.4.1). This change was a direct response to members concerns that the opportunity to transfer was not transparent, along with a frustration that current FHDA employees weren’t given first consideration before positions opened to external candidates.  This email is meant to clarify how the voluntary transfer process works, but I would encourage you to read our Agreement for complete details.

As part of voluntary transfer process, the District agreed to:

  1. Send an email to all FHDA employees about a transfer opportunity; and
  2. Give internal candidates five (5) business days to submit an application for the position to HR for consideration before it is opened to external candidates.

To be eligible to apply for a transfer:

  1. An employee must meet the minimum requirements for the new position and not be on probation.
  2. The new position must be equal to or lower than the employee’s current classification level.

 Frequently asked questions:

  1. I want to transfer. I meet the minimum qualifications and have the most seniority, do I automatically get the position?   No.  This process gives qualified internal applicants the opportunity to apply and interview for the position before it is opened to external applicants.
  2. I submitted my application within five (5) days, what happens next?  The hiring manager will review applications and interview qualified applicants as appropriate. The hiring committee for internal positions includes the hiring manager, an ACE rep and EO rep.  As always, the hiring manager has the final say in who they choose for the position.
  3. I missed the five (5) days submission time period, can I still apply? Yes, but the posting is opened to outside candidate and you would need to go through the formal FHDA hiring process.
  4. The position is at a lower level than my current one.  Will my pay stay the same?  A voluntary transfer to a lower classification may result in a salary reduction. You will be placed on a salary step in the lower range which corresponds in credit for years of service to that which was provided in the higher range.  In no case, shall the new pay level exceed the maximum salary for the lower classification.  
  5. Who do I let know that I am interested in a position?  You must submit a paper copy of your resume and cover letter to Employment Services (District Office, Foothill Campus) or e-mail these materials to Thuy Quach at quachthuy@fhda.eduwithin five (5) days of the email announcement for consideration.

If you are selected for the position:

  1. The change in assignment shall be made as soon as practically possible, but it can’t be delayed longer than fifteen (15) working days after HR has been notified officially by the hiring manager that a worker has been selected for transfer; and
  2. There is a six (6) month probationary period for the new position only (you still retain permanent status with the District) and you will be evaluated in the same manner as a new employee.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact your Chief Steward, myself or HR.

Election of Officers – Oct. 19 – 23, 2015

We are pleased to announce the notification of nominations for this year’s election process.

At the General Membership meetings, Oct. 6 for De Anza and Oct. 7 for Foothill/Central Services, we will seek nominations from the floor for open officer positions.

  • Nominations will remain open until Friday, Oct. 9 at 5 p.m.   Nominations may be made at either of the general meetings or sent by email to the ACE Recorder, Barbara Humphries.  Candidates who have accepted the nomination will have 5 days prior to the vote to campaign.
  • Voting will begin Monday, October 19th and close on Friday, Oct. 23rd at 5 p.m.
  • Voting will be held online. You will be sent a separate email the morning of Oct. 19 to access your online ballot.  You must be a  a full dues paying member to cast a ballot.






General Membership Meeting: 7/28, DA ADMIN 109; 7/29 FH Toyon (2020) Proposed Health Benefit Changes for 2016

General Membership Meeting

General membership meetings will be held next week to discuss the proposed changes. Lunch will be served. An Outlook invite will be sent to you with the location for each meeting.

Tuesday, July 28 at noon – De Anza – DA ADMIN 109
Wednesday, July 29 at noon – Foothill – Toyon Room (2020)

Ratification Vote

An online benefits MOU ratification vote is scheduled for ACE Full Dues Paying Members ONLY beginning at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, July 28 through Monday, August 2 at noon. A separate email with your unique voting credentials will be emailed to you next week.

Not a full paying dues member? You still have time to have your voice heard. Fill out the Dues Membership Application and return it to ACE President, Blanche Monary at NO LATER THAN 5 p.m. on Monday, July 27.