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ACE Update 05.14.19: Words; Negotiations Update; Upcoming Workshops; Volunteering at Work; Summer Work Hours

President’s Message

The Thing About Words

Last Monday, the Foothill-De Anza Board of Trustees passed a resolution proclaiming May 19-25, 2019, Classified Staff Appreciation Week, in part “to recognize the invaluable role of classified staff in providing for the welfare and safety of the state’s community college students”.It is always wonderful to be recognized.

Recent actions by the District, such as their dismissal of our agreement related to the compensation portion of the classification study or that ACE had to file a lawsuit against CalPERS – which includes employees from all bargaining units including administrators – to have the five-percent salary adjustment included as pensionable income for classic and PERPA members, or for their lack of transparency in how work will get done after eliminating almost 50 ACE positions since June 30, 2018, doesn’t reflect the sentiment put forth in that resolution. To be fair, technically 95 percent of those positions were vacant at the time of elimination but what is missing in that technicality is the fact that over half of those positions recently had staff and/or a temporary or student worker doing that work.  ACE continues to ask what happens to that work and addressing changes to vacant classifications when we are made aware of them. In many instances, we are still waiting on more thorough answers.

In the meantime, last July administrators approved an increase in a stipend they receive – from eight to twelve percent on their salary – for taking on additional work. As exempt employees they are not eligible for overtime pay and the stipend is used to compensate administrators for the additional work when positions get consolidated or special projects are assigned which, ostensibly, requires them to work in excess of 40 hours a week.  Non-exempt employees, which includes ACE, CSEA, Teamsters, Police Officers, and Confidential employees are required by law to be paid overtime for work above 40 hours per week.  Over the past three years – truthfully, at least the past decade – when classified positions are left vacant or consolidated and work is reassigned, rarely is overtime approved to address the additional workload.

I know we have very dedicated staff who go above and beyond to make certain students are minimally impacted by cuts in personnel or services. Many of you do this by forgoing breaks and lunch or taking work home with you because there just aren’t enough hours in an eight hour work day.  Off-the-record comments by your supervisor that you’ll be rewarded down the line with a reclassification – a reminder that your level of classification is related to the complexity of your work not how much work you have to do – or afforded other preferential treatment or there is a promise that they will reassess workloads when the budget gets better. Nothing in writing but there is a promise and since we’re “all in this together”, in the end, management will do the “right thing”.  Those promises rarely come to fruition. Often because they don’t have the authority to enact them or what they have proposed is illegal or is a bargained item, but they’re very grateful for your hard work.  The end result? Their objective was met, the work got done and it didn’t cost them anything but a tug on your commitment to students.  Meanwhile, they’re getting paid for the extra work they were assigned.

I also recognize that it can be very unnerving to confront your supervisor on this issue.  You don’t want to be seen as not a team player or unwilling to help. And by asking that is not what you are saying. This is about reasonable workloads.  The administration made the decision to eliminate positions and what work they are willing to sacrifice to solve the budget deficit. Add to the mix, a legitimate concern for retribution. This is where belonging to a union makes the difference. You have an advocate on your side.  I won’t lie to you and tell you it won’t be uncomfortable or challenging, Sometime it is, sometimes it isn’t but you will not be alone. What I can tell you as a represented employee, you can’t be fired or demoted or your salary reduced or your work hours cut for asking. And if you do find your supervisor upset because you asked remember, you play an “invaluable role in providing for the welfare and safety of the state’s community college students”.

Of service,

Chris White, ACE President
(650) 949-7789, office

“The fight is never about lettuce or grapes.  It is always about people”. – César Chávez

Negotiations Update

Cathleen Monsell, Chair of Negotiations

On April 18, your negotiations team submitted the following articles to the District for negotiations.The articles chosen to open were guided by your feedback from the annual survey which was distributed in February. We reviewed the results at the April site meetings. As of today, we have not heard back from the district. In the meantime, the team will meet and put together our proposals to be ready when the District is finally ready to meet.

  1. Article 7: Employment Practices
  2. Article 8: Pay and Allowances
  3. Article 14: Worker Expenses and Materials
  4. Article 18: Paid Benefits
  5. Implementation of the classification study results

An important note:
As a re-opener year for our Agreement, Article 8 (pay and allowances) and Article 18 (benefits) are automatically opened. ACE may only open two additional articles as part of this year’s negotiations cycle, meaning ACE members and leadership must prioritize what is brought to the table. Your feedback helps us prioritize.  Keep in mind the district operates from a you-have-to-give-something-to-get-something stance.

Professional Development Survey

We still need your feedback.  If you have not completed the Classified Needs Assessment survey sent by Mary Kay Englen of the Professional Development office at De Anza, please do so today.  The survey closes next Wednesday, May 22.

The state allocated one-time professional development funding is specifically for classified staff (a first!) and your feedback is critical for the development of professional development activities relevant to the work classified staff do. The survey takes about 8 minutes to complete.

Fill out the survey here:

Upcoming Workshops

Classified Professional Development Day
Navigating Change with Heart

Friday, May 17 | De Anza

All classified staff are invited to attend.
This event is hosted by Central Services, De Anza and Foothill Classified Senates.

CalPERS Workshop
Whether you’re early or midway through your career, you’ll want to get a better understanding of your CalPERS benefits. Learn about your retirement income sources, how your pension is calculated, purchasing service credit, the importance of having a power of attorney on file, what happens if you leave your employer, and much more.

Friday, June 14 | De Anza MLC 260
1- 3:30 p.m.
Open to ACE members. Watch your email for details.
This workshop is hosted by ACE .

Volunteering at Work

Recently both campuses held weekend community events and there has been some confusion on whether an employees would get paid for assisting or are they volunteering their time? Article 13.2 of our Agreement  defines when overtime accrues. “The District is subject to the following provisions concerning overtime which provide for overtime payment for all eligible workers who work over eight hours in one day in a five-day work week, over ten hours in one day in a four-day work week, over nine hours in a 9/80 or 4/36 work week, or over 40 hours in any work week, or on the sixth and seventh consecutive days of employment”.  As permanent employees of Foothill-De Anza, if you are asked/told to do work related to the college or district over the hours listed above, you are entitled to overtime pay.  If you aren’t required to work, in other words you can say no, but are offered the opportunity to volunteer, there are a few rules the District has to follow.

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act ( FLSA), “public-sector employees may volunteer their services to the employer or jurisdiction for which they work, but their services must be different from their usual job duties”. As it relates to the recent community events, the work staff do as part of their permanent position and the knowledge set they bring as an employee working at FHDA, including if you are asked to talk about your area and the services your area provides or you’re asked to promote the college, you should be compensated. If you volunteered to set up tables or any other activity that does not require the knowledge and skills associated with your permanent position, it would be hard to argue it falls in your usual job duties and most likely you would not need to be compensated. Volunteer work does not count towards PGA. It is at management’s discretion to offer either overtime pay or compensatory time off and the rate of pay is one and one-half times the normal hourly rate as determined by current contract pay.

Know Your Agreement:  Summer Work Hours

July 1 – August 23

To maximize human, financial and physical resources, FHDA observes modified hours of operation throughout the summer. Translation?  Ten-hour days are back beginning Monday, July 1 through Friday, Aug 23.  It also means confusion for staff and supervisors as to how this modified schedule is interpreted and applied.

  • Summer work hours for ACE employees officially begin the week of July 1.   If your supervisor chooses to implement a summer work schedule, it must begin July 1. For the other bargaining units, their summer work hours officially begin July 8, although they have the option to begin July 1.
  • For the July 4 holiday, ACE employees will be paid for the number of hours they would have worked.  All other bargaining units receive up to eight hours holiday pay and if they’re on an alternate schedule (i.e. 4-10-40), they must make up the additional two hours.

Article 13.1 – Working Time
13.1 – If a supervisor assigns a schedule to an employee without their consent then that employee would be entitled to holiday pay for the hours normally worked, (i.e. 4-10-40 would get 10 hours holiday paid).

Article 13.15 – Summer Hours
13.5.1 -Workers assigned to programs and departments where scheduling allows mandated four-day work schedule will be offered a four-day work schedule during the summer for the period beginning the first full week in July and ending the Friday before the Labor Day holiday. Under the summer schedule, the normal workday shall consist of ten hours starting and ending at times appropriate to the needs of the department and agreed upon by the worker and his/her supervisor.

13.5.2 – Workers who work fewer than 10 hours per day during the four-day summer workweek shall select one of the following options to cover time not worked:

  1. Use of earned vacation (see Section 10.1 regarding the circumstances under which certain amounts of sick leave can be converted to vacation);
  2. Use of earned compensatory time;
  3. Leave without pay;
  4. A revised work schedule and/or location in order to accommodate the employee if they feel they are unable to work a 10-hour per day four-day work schedule.

Who sets the schedule?
Employees will establish, with supervisor approval, a work schedule of four days of ten hours of work plus a half hour meal break for each day (minimum 10.5 hours total). Meal breaks may be longer upon request, and with the approval of the supervisor. The standard 10.5 hours work schedule will occur between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to accommodate the meal break (7:00-5:30, 7:30-6:00, 7:15-5:45, etc.).
Can I stack my breaks to shorten the workday?
No. Employees may not stack break periods for later use or to combine with meal breaks and may not use breaks to account for late arrivals or early departures. It is a violation of labor law.
I am unable to work a 10-hour day may I set up an alternative schedule?
An employee, with supervisor approval may implement a modified schedule by requesting a different schedule or using accrued leave or leave without pay but cannot use Personal Necessity Leave.
What guidelines does a supervisor follow to determine if a request for an alternate schedule should be approved?

  1. Buildings should remain locked on Fridays, except where the department has been approved for an exception schedule and is officially open.
  2.  Supervisors should work with employees regarding requests for alternate schedules to ensure that:
    1.  Energy resources are not used inefficiently to operate buildings that are otherwise closed.
    2.  Employees are not working alone where a safety concern might exist.
    3.  Required resources and systems support needed to complete their work are actually available for employees to use.
    4. Special considerations for child care or other extenuating circumstances are taken into consideration with an attempt to find a solution that works for both the District and the employee.
  3. Supervisor must ensure adequate coverage and appropriate supervision for the official hours of operation. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to determine when an employee’s work schedule includes Friday that a level of supervision is adequately-addressed.
  4. Supervisors and classified staff should be familiar with the provisions of the applicable bargaining unit agreements affecting employees on a 4-10 work schedule.

A few more facts.

  • FHDA has no policy regarding working from home as an option and there is nothing in our Agreement prohibiting it.  Any agreement to do so is between the worker and their supervisor.
  • Safety is a legitimate concern, but again, there is no FHDA policy or anything in our Agreement that states you cannot work alone.
  • The definition for “appropriate supervision” is at your supervisor’s discretion.

Bottom line?
Please keep in mind that the goal for this summer work schedule is to save resources. If you are unable to work a 10-hour day and you do not have accrued leave and cannot take time off without pay, be flexible in your request, be clear on what work you will get done and be accountable with it. Your supervisor does have the final say on your work schedule.

The Story of Unions

by Anthony Caceres 

Labor, strikes, wages, workers’ rights, unions. We have all heard these terms but their importance is often undervalued. There are few institutions as embedded into the fabric of American society as labor unions.

The fight for better working conditions, wages, benefits and worker treatment has existed since the inception of the worker-employer relationship. For many decades the American worker suffered from dilapidated working conditions and inadequate pay for the work performed. This may sound like a distant history that is far removed from the reality of our current workplace. However, we are not far off from returning to pre-unionization work environments.

In 1886, American workers took a small step towards collective power. The American Federation of Labor was formed to serve as an association for various trade unions. Workers rallied together to improve safety conditions across the country while implementing contractual language that targeted immediate worker needs. The long term worker rights became an ongoing battle between the newly formed union and well established employers.

Furthermore, it was the work of Unions that conceived the concept of fair wages which transformed the lives of workers. Moreover, these victories led to the formation of America’s middle class and the economic prosperity previous generations enjoyed.

From the 1930s to the 1980s, the United States experienced its highest union membership rate, peaking in 1954 at 34.8%.  These 5 decades saw the growth of the middle class with clear upward economic mobility. Many families benefited from the living wages and higher standard of living unions provided. However, a consistent attack from anti-union proponents has chipped away the power unions once had. As of 2018 the membership rate in the United States was at 10.5%. There has been a clear decrease in union participation paralleled with stagnant wages, evaporating benefits packages and a redefining of what a worker is.

Since the inception of organized labor movements, employers have sought to undermine the power of the collective through legislation, company policy and effective propaganda. It has resulted in an era of unprecedented economic loss by workers. The ability to collectively bargain has continued to diminish as new trends and industries within our economy begin to take a stronger hold of the workforce. Every industry in America is or has been impacted by the demise of organized labor and the repercussions are severe. It is our succeeding generations that will burden the economic hardships if unions all but disappear.

Now, you may be thinking what do these historical events and patterns have to do with me? The local struggles classified staff have endured throughout the years are a microcosm of the larger labor struggle America is undergoing. Ten years ago, the Association of Classified Employees (ACE) in its current form may have been nothing more than a dream. FHDA Classified staff endured roller coaster years with both the California School Employees Association (CSEA) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Each union fought admirably for staff at various moments in time but also underperformed at the most crucial of times.

On the eve of its 10 year anniversary, ACE stands firm in its dedication to represent the interests of members to the fullest extent. Ten years ago ACE was created as an independent union for one sole reason. To have the autonomy needed to fight for staff in the toughest of times. The independence afforded to the union has given it leverage on a playing field that is often void of any. As external factors continue to put pressure on workplaces and employers look to balance budgets, workers are at a higher risk of job insecurity. As it was 133 years ago when the AFL was founded, workers are facing grim prospects but if we take to heart the fight our fellow Americans undertook, our reliance will not be on the individual. It will lie at the feet of our collective power and ability to organize and stand up for the right to have economic prosperity and undergo the pursuit of happiness.

ACE Update 04.08.19: A Decade of Independence; Dues Forgiveness; Negotiations Update; A Decade of Work; Sick vs. Personal Leave

President’s Message
A Decade of Independence

Independent: free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority. Ten years ago this month ACE was formally recognized by the State of California and the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) as the independent association it is today. We gained our independence due to a dedicated few, who rallied the many, after years of neglect by our former union. We have never looked back. I won’t retell the whole story on how ACE came into existence – you can read it here – but suffice it to say the move to independence has given us better access to representation and more control over the issues directly affecting classified staff at Foothill-De Anza. The courage and commitment needed to set out on our own leaves me speechless. I can’t begin to express my gratitude and the amount of respect I have for the original group who put us on this path. For some perspective, of the 72 community college districts throughout California, 95% of classified staff are represented by a union and less than one percent are represented by an independent union like ACE.

ACE exists solely for your benefit and the benefit of your coworkers but independence isn’t free. It costs money – see below on what ACE spends your dues on – and requires active participation from the membership to work. ACE has been fortunate every time we’ve needed both, the members have stepped up. In return, our independence has allowed us to support our members in a way which being a part of a national or international union never would have allowed us to do, such as forgiving and/or reducing dues when finances allow so you can keep more money in your pocket without sacrificing representation. One of our founding executive officers, Bradley Creamer, webmaster at Foothill said it best, “The most important thing I learned as part of an independent union was the value in making decisions ourselves… and the power to prioritize those important decisions”.

When it comes to personnel representation, ACE takes your right to privacy very seriously, which is why you don’t hear as much about it. While every issue isn’t resolved the way ACE or a member would like or want, unlike our previous unions, our attorney, labor representative and officers show up each and every time and work to do their very best on your behalf. You can read more below on what we’ve done in the past decade but in the last month alone we’ve had improper warnings removed from an employee’s file, made certain another employee was able to use their sick leave when their supervisor denied it, and filed a lawsuit against CalPERS when they denied the temporary five-percent salary adjustment as pensionable income for all employees covered by CalPERS.

The work we do is a continuous work in progress. Your feedback from our annual survey – see below for a few spoiler alerts – provided great direction to your negotiating team and to the organization. We’re working on incorporating some suggestions immediately, such as providing an online option whenever possible for attending meetings (facility and technical limitations make this a challenge for large meetings) and developing more training for those interested in assisting with the running of ACE as well as continued education around our Agreement, your rights as a member, and what rights and authority ACE has when dealing with the District.

With budget reductions behind us, and ACE is not aware of any more on the horizon, we still have a mountain of challenges ahead. Forty-one ACE positions will be eliminated as of June 30, 2019. Where does that work go? The continued budget challenges for the District. What impact will that have on negotiations? The classification study? As we move forward and start to address these questions, when it becomes difficult it will be easy to blame the District, to blame ACE, if answers aren’t immediate or to your liking. I would ask you to reject that impulse. Instead, seek out facts, be patient and recognize change takes time, and help ACE set a course which benefits all our members. A easy way to start? When new employees come on board, invite them to join you as a member of ACE.

Of service,

Chris White, ACE President
(650) 949-7789, office

“The fight is never about lettuce or grapes. It is always about people”. – César Chávez

Dues Forgiveness April 2019

ACE will forgive dues in your April paycheck (April 30).  For Classified Hourly employees, this will be reflected in your May 15 paycheck.

Why does ACE forgive dues? ACE works really hard to be as fiscally prudent with dues collected from members. When we spend less than we’ve budgeted for the year, we forgive dues. This year, because the classification study has taken longer than anticipated and re-classifications are on hold until it is completed, funds budgeted to cover costs associated with classification issues  – ACE pays half the cost for appeals – we’re on track to spend less than budgeted.

What does ACE spend dues money on? Access to representation was the main reason we chose to be an independent union and it is the largest expense in our annual budget.  Several months a year, our legal representation itemizes their bill, and the work they do on our behalf often exceeds the flat monthly fee we pay them.  Other expenses include potential legal costs such as: arbitration (ACE pays half), court filing fees and expert testimonies; accountants, insurance, financial audits and taxes; office supplies, web hosting and routine state fees for running a small business; and training for officers and stewards, food for site meetings and elective stipends for ACE officers.  We also have monies set aside for a strike fund and a 5% budget reserve.

Does ACE spend money collected from dues on political activities?  No.

Negotiations Update

Cathleen Monsell, Chair of Negotiations

Thank you ACE members! With 198 responses, a little over 50% of the membership, this year’s survey provided the most feedback we have received to date. It is clear you put a lot of thought into your answers and comments. and we truly appreciate the time you took to give us your feedback.Your negotiations team is meeting to review the results and, based off of your responses, establish what proposals ACE should bring to the bargaining table.  We will releasing the results at our next site meetings. So stay tuned!
A few spoiler alerts:
70.7%   Like working four ten-hour days during summer.
75.5%   Want to keep our current percentage-based dues structure.
42.6%   Live between 11 to 20 miles from work.
42.5%   Have or have had a second job due to the high cost of living.
A few not-so-surprising spoiler alerts:
93%  Increasing wages and containing the cost of health insurance were listed as top concerns.
94%  Hold a higher education degree.
An important note:
As a re-opener year for our Agreement, Article 8 (pay and allowances) and Article 18 (benefits) are automatically opened. ACE may only open two additional articles as part of this year’s negotiations cycle, meaning ACE members and leadership must prioritize what is brought to the table. Your feedback helps us prioritize.  Keep in mind the district operates from a you-have-to-give-something-to-get-something stance.

Welcome New Members

De Anza
Martha Espinosa – Administrative Assistant, Outreach

Helen Nguyen – Instructional Support Technician, Student Success
Central Services
Joseph Goodrich – Community Services Officer, Police
Aaron Izquierdo – Community Services Officer, Police
Lena Tang – Accountant, OEI

A Decade of Action

Starting with a strong Agreement, over the past decade, together we have been able to:

Increase compensation.

  • Cost of living adjustments (COLA) and salary schedule increases.
    • From 2009-2010 through 2012-2013, while in a severe recession, the state offered no COLAs. At the same time, the state also instituted a number of workload reductions, crippling course repeatability options for community members and impacting FHDA’s revenue significantly. From 2011-2013, ACE experienced a 20% reduction in positions, roughly half of what was proposed, in large part due to the hard work of our first president, Blanche Monary.
Year Total COLA Received Additional COLA negotiated by ACE  COLA Offered By District COLA Included In State Budget
2013-2014 2.075% 0.50% 1.57% 1.57%
2014-2015 2.50% 1.65% 0.85% 0.85%
2015-2016 3.0% 1.98% 1.02% 1.02%
2016-2017 0.60% 0.60% 0% 0%
2017-2018 0% 0% 0% 1.56%
2018-2019 5% for 2018-19 5% for 2018-19 0% 2.71%

In 2015-16, we also increased the difference between step 6 and 7 on the salary schedule by 1% and reduced the waiting period for advancement from two years down to one.
In 2018-19, secured an additional $160 interest payment for all staff when the District was unable to implement a temporary five-percent salary adjustment in a timely manner.

  • Professional Growth Award (PGA)
    • In 2014-15:
      • Increased all awards earned after July 1, 2014 from $70 to $90 a month.
      • Increased the maximum number of awards from 10 to 12.
    • In 2016-17:
      • All awards, regardless of when they were earned, are now worth $90 a month.

If you were to earn all possible awards, the maximum benefit is now worth $12,960 per year.
A $4,500 increase from 2014.

Secure benefits.

  • No increase to employee health benefit contributions for the past three years.
  • Increased the District’s health benefit contribution from $976 per employee per month (PEPM) to $1011 PEPM.
  • Increased the District’s contribution for post-1997 retirees:
    •  Bridge to Medicare program monthly District contribution increased from $284 to $400 for an employee and $568 to $800 for an employee plus one.
    • Secure a one-time District contribution of $800,000 to the Volunteer Employee’s Benefit Association (VEBA) fund which covers Medicare eligible retires.
  • Added an additional paid holiday.

Represent members.

  • Letters of warning removed, suspensions reduced and made certain the District follows the progressive steps of discipline.
  • Addressed issues around classification, working out of class, leaves, benefits, changes to work schedules, worksite accommodations, and reemployment rights for laid off workers.
  • Retroactive pay for employees not properly compensated when they were working out of class, working differential shifts or their 39-month reemployment rights were violated.
  • ACE led the way in recouping overcharges to members for health benefits in 2010.  The result yielded $20,000 in reimbursements to both active and ACE retires.
  • Intervened on behalf of workers when the issue has nothing to do with performance – the District overpays you and wants the money back immediately – to ensure the remedy isn’t a burden to the worker.
  • On multiple occasions, successfully mediated issues between members and their supervisors when there was no Agreement violation.

Increase opportunity.

  • Negotiated a process so internal candidates can apply and interview for open positions before external candidates.
  • In 2016, after establishing non-classified staff were performing the same work, converted five (5) classified hourly members with limited benefits and no guarantee of hours to permanent positions.

Reduce dues.

  • ACE was incorporated in 2009 and the dues were set at 1.05% of base pay.
    • Under SEIU, dues were set at 1.5% of base pay.;
  • In 2016, ACE permanently reduced dues to 0.0095 of base monthly salary.
  • Over the past five years, on average, ACE has been able to forgive dues twice a year.  This occurs when budgeted costs for classification and legal issues aren’t spent, usually the result of our legal representatives resolving issues before any costs are incurred.

Thank You

I have said on more than one occasion, “it takes active participation and commitment from all the members of ACE to effectively protect and serve the membership as a whole”.  I’d like to thank a couple of people who have recently gone the extra mile on behalf of all the members.

Anthony Caceres served as Interim Vice President at De Anza for the past six months while our elected VP was out on leave. Anthony’s commitment and enthusiastic support for ACE is greatly appreciated and I am certain he will remain a key contributing member of this organization for years to come.

Bradley Creamer has served as the ACE webmaster since we incorporated in 2009. When I reached out to Bradley to help us reduce costs, he found a comparable web host and set about the task of moving servers, saving ACE hundreds of dollars a year in operational costs without compromising security or support.


Know Your Agreement:  Sick Leave vs. Personal Leave

At A Glance

  • Sick leave is cumulative, personal is not.
  • Personal leave must be scheduled in advance (whenever possible) and needs supervisor approval. Sick leave does not.
  • The worker uses sick leave to cover medical appointments for themselves; personal leave to cover medical appointments for immediate family.
  • Your supervisor may not deny your request for time off for your medical appointment(s) nor may they request that you try to schedule your medical appointment(s) on your day(s) off.
  • Your supervisor may request additional information before granting personal leave. You may give a generalized answer such as financial appointment or dependent care obligation.

10.1 – Sick Leave
Sick leave provides continuation of pay to the District worker who cannot perform her/his duties because of physical or mental illness or injury.

  • Earn eight (8) hours per month.Classified hourly and part-time earn amount equal to the percent of a full-time contract.
  • No limit to the amount of sick leave which either full or partial contract workers may earn and accumulate from year to year.
  • Sick leave may be used in increments of one-quarter hour or longer.
  • A worker has available for use all of their earned sick leave plus the balance of their full potential entitlement for the current fiscal year.
  • Sick leave may be used for the workers appointments with doctors or dentists
  • Up to seven days of sick leave can be used for care of an ill member of the worker’s immediate family (as defined in Section 10.15) after all personal necessity leave has been exhausted. Under certain circumstances approved by the Director of Human Resources, sick leave can also be used for other reasons of personal necessity.
  • Whenever a worker is absent on sick leave for three or more working days or when a pattern of sick leave suggests a chronic illness, a medical report that outlines the nature of the problem and the probable date of full recovery may be required. If the information from the worker’s personal physician is insufficient, an examination by a physician of the District’s choosing may be required, at District expense.
  • During any fiscal year a worker may convert up to 60 hours of earned sick leave credit in excess of 240 hours to vacation leave credit at the rate of six hours of sick leave credit for four hours of vacation leave credit. The request to convert sick leave credit to vacation leave credit under this section must be made in writing to the Director of Human Resources and will be approved only if the vacation leave credit does not cause the vacation leave balance to exceed the maximum accrual allowed (2 years).

10.15 Personal Leave
For the purpose of this section “personal necessity” means obligations or unavoidable duties of an individual worker that must be performed during regularly scheduled working hours.

  • Full-time earn 40 hours each fiscal year. Part-time earn amount equal to the percent of a full-time contract.Classified hourly earn three days a year.
  • Eligibility for personal necessity leave begins on the first of the calendar month following six complete months of employment.
  • May not be used in lieu of vacation or sick leave (except after an illness of 10 working days or more and no full-pay sick leave is available, a worker may use personal necessity leave.)
  • Unless there are unavoidable and compelling reasons (i.e., medical appointments or illness after being on extended sick leave) personal necessity leave may not be taken in conjunction with any holiday, sick leave, vacation, or other leave of absence.
  • Personal necessity leave is not cumulative.
  • It must be scheduled in advance with the supervisor whenever possible. When advance scheduling is not possible because of an emergency situation, the worker is required to notify the supervisor as soon as possible that the worker is requesting personal leave. All personal leave must have the approval of the supervisor as evidenced by the supervisor’s signature on the time sheet.
  • Unless there are unavoidable and compelling reasons (i.e., medical appointments or illness after being on extended sick leave) personal necessity leave may not be taken in conjunction with any holiday, sick leave, vacation, or other leave of absence.
  • To ensure confidentiality, a worker may request Personal Necessity Leave by the subsection number without giving the exact nature of the request. The worker’s appropriate supervisor(s) may require a more exact explanation before granting Personal Necessity Leave, in which case the worker may respond orally and the response shall be considered confidential between the worker and his/her supervisor(s). In unique emergency situations additional hours of personal necessity leave may be granted by the Director of Human Resources.
  • Circumstances under which personal necessity leave is appropriate include, but are not limited to:
    •   Emergencies or obligations related to the worker’s home or family members, including medical or dental appointments for the worker’s family members when the nature of the appointment requires the worker’s presence, or special family obligations such as attending a family member’s graduation or marriage ceremony;
    •   Emergencies or obligations related to the worker, including appointments for the purpose of conducting personal legal affairs or financial transactions, receipt of a court order requiring absence from work, or observation of a major religious holiday of the worker’s faith.

If you’re uncertain whether to use sick leave or personal leave or you’re having a difficult time scheduling the leave you need, contact your ACE steward for guidance.

ACE Update 03.04.19: Where Does The Work Go?; A Yeti; Negotiations & Classification Study Update; Pre-Retirement Reduction in Contract

President’s Message

Where Does the Work Go?

Last month I reviewed the process the colleges and Central Services used to determine their position elimination choices. Those choices will be approved by the FHDA Board of Trustees at their March 4 meeting.  For ACE alone, it accounts for 41 FTE positions, approximately 10% of our unit. At first glance, it appears most are vacant, and technically they are, but half of them are vacant due to a combination of staff taking the Supplemental Retirement Plan (SRP) offer, positions being held vacant over the last year and the reassignment, layoff and reduction of a few others.  In other words, positions where work was actively getting done, which begs the age old question, where does the work go?

Article 11 of our Agreement is pretty clear on the rules surrounding the work and the elimination of positions (even vacant ones).

  • A classified employee may not be laid off if a short-term employee is retained to render a service that the classified employee is qualified to render.
  • No worker can be required a worker to do overtime to replace the work.
  • No one outside the unit can do the work after the position is eliminated.This includes temporary workers, students, faculty, administrator or outside contractors.
  • An employee cannot be given more work than they can complete in an 8-hour day.
    • If you feel that you are being assigned more work than you can possibly complete in one day, do not work more than the 8 hours without your supervisor first approving overtime.
    • If you do not have enough hours in the day to complete the extra work, request a meeting and have your supervisor prioritize your work. You may request an ACE steward be present at this meeting.

As the colleges begin their reorganization process, it’s clear there are more questions than answers. ACE has met with human resources and senior management regarding proposed reorganization, at this time mostly at Foothill, we have left our meetings with no definitive answers.  As I have said on numerous occasions, while the number of position cuts is pretty firm, a lot will change surrounding job duties and priorities between now and June 30, 2019.

Of service,

Chris White, ACE President
(650) 949-7789, office

“The fight is never about lettuce or grapes.  It is always about people”. – César Chávez

Classification Study Update

Summed up in two words, more delay.  At the end of January, the consults delivered their draft classification study report and compensation study analysis.  The Joint Labor Management Classification Committee (JLMCC) set a meeting for Feb. 28 – yes, it takes that long to find availability for six people – to discuss the results and start the negotiation process on potential approval by ACE members and the FHDA Board of Trustees as well what/wen implementation may happen.  And then the District canceled.  The meeting has been rescheduled for March 16.

As a precaution to extraneous delays on the part of the District, our attorney sent the them the following notice in late January.In the past you have indicated that the District would not implement the results of the classification study until July 2019. Recently, ACE has learned that the District is telling classified employees that the study will not be implemented until July 2019. ACE has never agreed to a July 2019 implementation date. ACE believes that the study, when completed needs to be bargained with ACE which would include classifications,  salary and implementation and that need to be ratified by its membership. This is meant to put you on notice that ACE expects the District to bargain these issues in “good faith”; however, with the public statements of a July 2019 implementation it appears the District is acting unilaterally and has predetermined the results of any negotiations”. If the District cancels the March meeting, we will have our attorney address it appropriately.

Negotiations Update

Cathleen Monsell, Chair of Negotiations

Reminder:  If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to fill out our Annual Membership/Negotiations Survey.  Your input is very important and not only helps us decide the topics that we should negotiate on your behalf, but also how we can better serve our members and meet their needs. The survey closes this Friday, March 8, 2019.
The survey link was sent to you by email from the FHDA Association of Classified Employees email address on Feb. 20.

Yeti Spotting – Five-Percent Temporary Salary Adjustment

Can it be true?  Will the elusive five-percent temporary salary adjustment, plus retroactive pay, appear in our March paycheck?  Yes.  That is the confirmation I have received from District payroll.I know, you’ve heard it before. Here is what is different. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), ACE and the other bargaining units signed with the District in December regarding the salary adjustment was very specific in terms of notifying the units if the adjustment could not be implemented for the March paycheck. “If the District cannot implement the agreed upon five-percent increase for 2018-18 by March 1, 2019, including all associated pay retroactive to July 2018, the District shall notify all bargaining units of the additional delay by March 1, 2019 and shall propose additional monetary consideration to address the continuing delay”.  In other words, there is a fiscal penalty to the District if they delay again.

March 1 has passed and no such notice for an additional delay has been issued. Is that a Yeti I see?

Pre-Retirement Reduction in Contract

The Pre-Retirement Reduction in Contract allows classified staff who are eligible for service retirement too phase into actual retirement through a contract reduction (not less than 50% of their full-time contract) while maintaining full retirement credit and other benefits for a maximum of five years. Under any other type of reduction in contract, the portion the District pays a pro-rated to the percentage of the full-time contract you work. In other words, you pay more out of your pocket to maintain the same benefits and earn less service credit.

Pre-retirement reductions in contract are entirely voluntary, and while generally encouraged by the District, they are not an entitlement. To ensure the needs of a department are met, any reduction in contract is at the discretion of the department manager. The best place to start?  Have a conversation with your supervisor. Don’t wait! The deadline to submit your request is May 1.

ACE Article 17B: The Details

17B.1 Eligibility

Each full-time 12-month, 11-month, 10-month, or academic-day classified worker who meets the requirements of this article may reduce his/her contract from full-time to part-time while maintaining his/her retirement benefits pursuant to Education Code Section 88038 and Government Code Section 20905.

To be eligible for a pre-retirement reduction in contract the worker must:

17B.1.1  Have reached the age of 55 prior to the reduction in contract;

17B.1.2  Have been employed full-time for at least ten years in a classified position requiring membership in an appropriate California state retirement system; and

17B.1.3  Have served full-time without a break in service during the preceding five years.

This article shall be applicable only to classified workers who request a reduction in contract, who meet the criteria established in this section.

17B.2 Period of Reduced Contract

The maximum period during which a classified worker’s contract may be reduced under this article shall be five years. At the conclusion of the period during which a classified worker’s contract is reduced under this article, the worker shall retire.

17B.3  Rights and Benefits

A classified worker whose contract has been reduced under this article shall retain all paid benefits afforded full-time classified workers and shall receive the pro rata share of the salary he/she would have earned had he/she continued full-time. In addition, the worker shall retain on a pro rata basis, all other rights and benefits of permanent classified workers.

17B.4  Duties

A classified worker whose contract has been reduced under this article shall fulfill the appropriate pro rata share of the hours and classified duties that would have been required had the worker continued as a full-time worker.

17B.5  Contributions to the Retirement System

In compliance with Education Code Section 88038 and Government Code Section 20905, a classified worker whose contract has been reduced under this article shall contribute to the appropriate retirement system by payroll deduction the amount he/she would have contributed had he/she continued full-time. The District shall contribute to the appropriate retirement system the amount required by law.

17B.6  Request for Reduction in Contract

To implement the provisions of this article, a classified worker shall file a written request for a reduced contract specifying:

17B.6.1  That the request is pursuant to this article;

17B.6.2  The reduced contract the worker desires under this article, provided it is not less than one -half of a full contract; and

17B.6.3  The number of years during which the classified worker wishes his/her contract to be reduced under this article, provided the number of years does not exceed five.

The request shall be filed no later than May 1 preceding the college year during which the worker wishes the reduced contract to become effective. College year means July 1 to June 30. The request shall be filed with the appropriate supervisor with a copy to the Director of Human Resources. If the worker’s request is granted, it shall take effect at the beginning of the next college year and, unless during the first year of reduction in contract under this article the worker submits a written request to return to full-time employment at the beginning of the next college year, may be revoked only with the mutual consent of the worker and the District.

17B.7  Other Reductions in Contract

Nothing in this article shall prohibit a classified worker from requesting a reduction in contract outside of the provisions of this article nor shall it prohibit the District from granting such a request.