8.1 Pay Period
All workers shall be paid for the calendar month with checks available on the last working day of each month. The monthly time report for each worker covers the period from the 15th of the month through the 14th of the month following.
If the normal pay date falls on a holiday, the paycheck shall be issued on the preceding workday. If the normal pay date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the paycheck shall be issued on the preceding workday.

8.2 Salary Schedule and Salary Schedule Placement
New workers are automatically placed on the first step of the salary range of the job classification they are assigned. Under unusual circumstances the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources may place a worker with successful experience in a similar position on the second step of the salary range. This placement may be made only after consultation between the supervising manager and the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources. In addition, the Chancellor has the authority to determine special cases of step placement within the salary ranges. If the Chancellor exercises this authority and places a new worker above step 2, the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources shall notify the Union of the action.

Classified hourly employees shall be placed on the first step of the salary range of the job classification they are assigned. Classified hourly employees are paid for hours actually worked as reflected on the time sheet submitted each month.

Each permanent or probationary classified worker shall be paid in accordance with their placement on the salary schedule as prescribed in Appendix C.

8.3 Advancement on Salary Schedule
A worker will advance to the next step of the salary schedule on the first of the calendar month following the completion of the first six months of service, provided that they have received from the supervising manager a “good solid performance” rating. If the worker’s supervising manager has not completed the evaluation and given a copy to the worker by the date when the worker is scheduled to receive the step increase, the increase shall be granted automatically.

A classified hourly employee will advance to the second step of the salary schedule on the first of the calendar month following the completion of one year of service provided that they have received from the supervising manager a “good solid performance” rating. If the employee’s supervising manager has not completed the evaluation and given a copy to the employee by the date when the employee is scheduled to receive the step increase, the increase shall be granted automatically.

A worker’s first month of service will be the month during which they begin work providing they render service before the 11th of the month. In all other cases, the worker’s first month of service will be the calendar month following the date on which they begin work.

A worker will advance to subsequent steps as they complete an additional year of service with a satisfactory rating on the annual evaluation. A classified hourly employee will advance to subsequent steps as they complete an additional two years of service with a satisfactory rating on the bi-annual evaluation. A year for 12-month workers is 12 months; for 11-month workers, 11 months; for 10-month workers, 10 months; for academic- day workers, the academic year. However, if the worker’s supervising manager does not complete the annual evaluation and give a copy to the worker by the date the worker is scheduled to receive the step increase, the increase shall be granted automatically. A worker’s anniversary date for salary increments shall be the anniversary of their first month of service after completing six months in a class. The anniversary date for a classified hourly employee shall be the date of hire in the classified hourly position. Any month during the worker’s work year during which they are not in paid status will not count toward the anniversary date and will advance it by one month. A worker who demonstrates exceptional ability and diligence as a worker of the District may be given double advancement on recommendation of the supervising manager and with approval of the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources, the President, or the Chancellor.

8.4 Longevity
Longevity increments are awarded to acknowledge continued employment with the District. A worker is eligible to receive a longevity increment after all the following criteria have been met.

8.4.1 The worker has completed at least seven (7) consecutive years of service with the District.

8.4.2 A worker is eligible for a maximum of four (4) longevity increments, one after the completion of the eighth year, one after the completion of the thirteenth year, one after the completion of the eighteenth year, and one after the completion of the twenty-third year.

8.4.3 When all requirements have been met for receiving a longevity increment, the effective date for the increase shall be the first day of the anniversary month.

8.4.4 The increments will be paid at the completion of the year as follows:

Eighth Year $130 per month
Thirteenth Year $140 per month
Eighteenth Year $150 per month
Twenty-third Year $170 per month

8.4.5 A classified hourly employee shall be eligible to receive longevity increments on a pro-rata basis after completing at least seven (7) consecutive years of service with the District.

A classified hourly employee is eligible for a maximum of four (4) longevity increments, one after the completion of the eight year of service, one after the completion of the thirteenth year of service, one after the completion of the eighteenth year of service and one after the completion of the twenty-third year of service. The effective date for the increase shall be the first day of the anniversary month.

The pro-rata payments are based on the following increments to be paid at the completion of the year as follows:

Eighth Year $130 per month
Thirteenth Year $140 per month
Eighteenth Year $150 per month
Twenty-third Year $170 per month

8.4.7 The SRA Program will end and all workers will be moved into the Longevity Program effective January 1, 2000.

    8.5 Professional Growth Award
    Effective July 1, 2017, the maximum payment for Professional Growth Awards shall be $1080 per year, at the rate of $90 per month for each month of contracted assignment, for all workers who meet the requirements. A worker is eligible for a maximum of 12 awards or $12,960 in Professional Growth Awards. Although only workers who have successfully completed their initial probation period are eligible to apply, the award does not depend upon longevity in a position but on the successful completion of and participation in activities designed to enhance and update performance through continuing education and involvement in professional organizations and associations, to improve the capabilities of the worker during the period of employment with the District.

    A worker who wishes to fulfill the criteria for the Professional Growth Award shall file an application with the Professional Growth Review Panel. The Review Panel shall assign hours for each course or activity. For every 200 hours accumulated, the award shall be made and the change in salary shall be effective on the first of the month following the final acceptance of verification by the Review Panel. Two years of service in paid status after the last award is given, a worker is eligible for another award. Those workers who received a Professional Growth award prior to the existing program shall continue to receive that award.

    Details of the plan are in Appendix B. Application forms for approval of courses and activities shall be available in the Office of Human Resources and from members of the Professional Growth Review Panel.

    The Professional Growth Award is awarded independently of Longevity and is based on growth beyond normal requirements of the position through specific efforts during the period of employment. Changes to this award become effective the first of the month following ratification of this contract.

    Classified hourly employees are not eligible for Professional Growth Awards.

    8.6 Exempt Positions
    No worker in the bargaining unit shall be in an exempt status for overtime purposes.

    8.7 Shift Differential Pay

    8.7.1 Swing and Grave
    A full-time worker whose normal workday extends after 9:00 p.m. shall be entitled to the swing shift differential of 4 1/2% of worker’s base pay. Any full-time worker whose normal workday extends after 5:00 a.m. shall be entitled to the graveyard differential of 6% of worker’s base pay. Part-time workers in the bargaining unit who have a normal workday of six hours or more shall be eligible for a shift differential of $50.00 per month.

    A worker who works swing or graveyard shifts for more than half of the working days of the month shall receive differential pay for the month. The half-hour allotted for lunch period during the swing and graveyard shifts shall be considered as part of the eight-hour working day.

    8.7.2 Weekend
    The usual workweek for unit members shall be Monday through Friday. Premium pay at $75 per month shall be paid to any full-time worker:

    a. Whose regular work assignment falls outside of the usual work week; and

    b. Who performs their duties outside of the usual workweek without regular supervision.

        8.8 Working Out of Classification

        8.8.1 A worker who is required to work in a position in a higher salary range than the regularly assigned position for more than 5 working days in any 15-calendar day period shall be paid on the appropriate salary range for the position temporarily filled. The worker shall be paid at the higher of:

        a. Step A; or

        b. the step that yields an increase equivalent to one step above the salary the worker would have been earning in their regularly assigned position if they had not been required to work out of class or 5% whichever is greater.

        8.8.2 To qualify for out of class pay, a worker must:

        a. temporarily assumes all duties and responsibilities of a higher classification when a position in that classification is temporarily vacant and the worker is substituting for the absent incumbent of the position: or

        b. temporarily be assigned a sufficient number of higher-level duties to clearly justify the conclusion that the worker is performing within a higher classification.

        8.8.3 Assignments under Section 8.8.2 shall have an agreed upon beginning and ending date. Normally, a working out of class assignment shall not exceed 12 months; however, under certain circumstances the District may extend the working out of class assignment up to 12 additional months. If the assignment goes beyond the original 12 months, the assignment may be offered to another qualified employee or the same employee, who may continue in the assignment. Workers who are assigned work out of class that exceeds a twelve (12) month period shall receive a step increase on the salary schedule for the out-of class position in which they are working. In the event that the employee working out of class is eventually hired in to the regular/permanent position, the employee shall be credited seniority equal to the period of service in the working out of class assignment. Working out of class assignments may extend past the 24 month period provided that the District and the union agree to such assignment. The District shall notify ACE within 15 days of knowledge of the assignment.

          8.9 Travel Expenses
          Travel expenses while on business of the District must be submitted on a travel expense form and approved by the appropriate supervising manager. Expenses for conferencesmust be approved by the appropriate supervising manager. If a worker is assigned to more than one campus or to one campus and an off-campus facility (such as a hospital) as part of the contract obligation, the worker is entitled to reimbursement for expense of travel between facilities if the assigned duties require the worker to be present at both facilities during the same day. Since it is the responsibility of the worker to transport themself to and from the place of employment, the mileage reported for computing travel expense shall be the length of the trip one way between the two facilities, unless the work schedule requires a round trip during the same day. Meals and lodging expense shall be reimbursed in the amount and manner customary for all workers of the District. Travel expense forms should be sent to the Accounting Department.

          8.10 Seniority
          Seniority in the District begins to accrue from the first day in paid status as a probationary worker. Seniority is measured in hours actually worked within a classification.

            If a worker believes that their seniority is in error, prior to filing a grievance, they may request a meeting with the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources and may be accompanied by their steward.