6.1 Number
The District recognizes the right of the Union to designate up to 14 stewards and 14 alternates provided that an alternate will be released to perform the duties of a steward only when the steward is unable to perform those duties.

6.2 Notification
Once a year, the Union shall notify the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources, with a copy to the supervisor, of the names of the stewards and alternates and the group they represent. If a change is made, the District shall be advised in writing of such change.

6.3 Leaving Their Assignment
After notifying their immediate supervisor, the steward shall be permitted to leave their normal work during reasonable times in order to assist in informal resolution of potential grievances and in investigation, preparation, writing, and presentation of grievances. The stewards shall advise the supervisor of the grievant of their presence. The steward is permitted to discuss any problem with all workers immediately concerned, and, if appropriate, to attempt to achieve settlement in accordance with the grievance procedure, if possible on an informal basis.

6.4 Emergencies
If, due to a bonafide emergency, an adequate level of service cannot be maintained in the absence of a steward where they are requested to assist, the steward shall be permitted to leave their normal work only after the emergency no longer exists.

6.5 Authority

    Stewards shall have the authority to file grievances as specified in Article 12, Section 12.2.2