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ACE Classification Study: PDQ’s, Rumors and FAQs 02.09.17

Good afternoon colleagues,

To date, we’ve received four completed PDQs. With only 10 working days left until they are due, we’ve got some work to do.

Rumors and FAQ’s

  1. I’ve heard this study really is a way for management to reorganize and eliminate positions. Is that true? In a word, NO!
    1. First, ACE requested this study. Under our current classification system, which is nearly 20 years old, internal inequities made it difficult to accurately create new positions or address reclassifications. The district agreed. Our mutual goal for this study is to build a new classification structure that develops a clear, equitable, consistent and competitive classification and compensation structure that appeals to and fosters retention of qualified classified staff professionals while providing opportunities for growth and development throughout the district.
    2. ACE and the district are committed to being transparent in this process and we recognized that outside assistance was necessary to maintain objectivity while conducting this study. Enter Koff and Associates.
    3. Second, this is about the position and work being performed by classified staff, not the person. Let me repeat that, it is the position NOT the person being reviewed.
    4. Third, ACE and the district agreed on the consultants after an independent review from both parties. Their role in this process is to be a neutral party and review our classification system in relationship to ACE job descriptions based on the work being done today. Under our Joint Labor Management Classification Committee (JLMCC) and an MOU dictating that decisions affecting the outcome of this study must be mutually agreed upon, neither side has influence over the consultant’s recommendations.
    5. Fourth, whether we conduct this classification study or not, management retains the right regarding how they choose to staff positions. Any eliminations, which can only occur due to a lack of work or a lack of funds, must be negotiated with ACE. An independent review of the work being performed and updated job descriptions only help us should this scenario arise.
  2. My comments will be ignored, why should I complete the PDQ?
    1. If you say nothing, they will be ignored. The PDQ is the best way to document the work that you do in your position in your words.
    2. If you don’t provide information regarding your duties, someone else will – namely your supervisor. Although not every job description will require significant changes, every classification will be reviewed and modified as needed. At the completion of the Study, all classified positions will have job descriptions that accurately reflect the roles and responsibilities of the position.
    3. To ensure your comments remain unchanged, we are asking you send a copy to Myisha Washington in HR and keep one for yourself when you send forward it to your supervisor.
  3. I have a colleague out on medical leave, can we contact them to get their PDQ completed to make certain their position is accurately reflected? No. They are off work and it should be considered that they are unable to respond. Their supervisor will need to address their position PDQ. If they return after the Feb. 24th submission deadline, there may be an opportunity for the worker to respond during the follow-up interviews. ACE, the district, and the consultants will address this on a case-by-case basis.
  4. How much information should I include in the PDQ? As much as you believe accurately describe the duties you currently perform. When in doubt, include it. It is the consultant’s job to sort it out.
  5. Under minimum qualifications, should I put down my current experience and education level? No. This section should be reflective of what skills, experience, and education level someone new coming into the position would absolutely need to have or know to do the job.
  6. I supervise student employees, interns, etc. Should I include them under the supervisor section? Yes. It is one of your duties and needs to be reflected. If it has been a few quarters since you have had a student employee or intern, still include it.

If you need assistance or have questions regarding the PDQ, please contact me or Myisha Washington. We are also offering drop-in assistance:

Foothill, Altos Room
Feb. 15 – 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
De Anza – Staff Development Office, MLC246
Feb. 15 – Noon – 3 p.m.
Feb. 21 – 1 – 4 p.m.

Obligatory reminder: PDQ’s DUE no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 24, 2017.

To ensure your comments remain unchanged, email your completed PDQ to:

  • The supervisor and/or administrator who signs your time sheet; AND
  • Myisha Washington, Manager, Compensation, Classification and Employment,
  • Keep a copy for your records.

Avoid misinformation that inevitably makes its way through the grapevine. Please ask questions, read emails from me or the ACE account, attend site meetings and bookmark,

In unity,

ACE Update 02.06.17: Budgets, Classification Study & the Value of Independence

President’s Message

With the governor’s initial budget proposal for 2017-2018 offering very little in increases to base funding or COLA’s, status quo seems to be the name of the game.  For FHDA, the challenge with this concept comes from our continuing enrollment decline, further reducing our base funding, rising administrative costs and the very real impending increases to PERS and STRS retirement obligation to employers.  The state chancellor’s office has stated there is a clear expectation from policy makers that funds have been provided – through increases to base funding and COLA’s – to ensure colleges are covered for new expenses related to pension cost increases.

The PERS/STRS challenge isn’t unique to FHDA.  Nearly every public agency in California is grappling with how to address this issue and, most likely, change needs occur at the legislative level.  What that looks like is anyone’s guess, but advocacy is key if a pension – an important component of your compensation package when you work for a public agency where salaries tend to be lower than the private sector – is important to you.  To start, the FHDA Board of Trustee as part of their proposed 2017 legislative principles, has included advocating for funding to cover increased employee pension costs but it would not be surprising if the district brought this issue to the negotiating table.

For FHDA, while enrollment remains a challenge the district has been very clear, with $45 million available in one-time stability funds, we are good for the next two years but if enrollment doesn’t start to increase changes may need to be made in year three.  The district has been non-specific on exactly what those necessary changes would be. The district has also been clear that they are looking at ways to increase enrollment and revenue growth, not make cuts, including a promising new partnership with UC Santa Cruz as one area for potential growth.  The district will be hosting three Districtwide Conversations on Enrollment and Revenue Growth to address this issue.  I will be attending all three sessions and encourage you to join me.

  • Wed., Feb. 22 – 12:30 – 2 p.m., Foothill College, Hearthside Lounge
  • Thurs., Feb. 23 – 12:30 – 2 p.m., Sunnyvale Center, Room 124
  • Tues., Mar. 7 – 12:30 – 2 p.m., De Anza College, Conference Room A/B

What does this mean for ACE?  As we head into negotiations, this gives us a better idea of how funding could affect our proposals to the district and where we might want to focus our efforts over the next 12-24 months.

Of Service,

Chris White, ACE President
(650) 949-7789, office

New ACE Representatives

Joining the ACE board March 1, Cynthia Smith will be serving as the De Anza board member, seat 2 replacing Selda Sigala-Aguilar who is retiring from FHDA at the end of February.  Words cannot express how grateful we are to Selda for her years of service to ACE.  Please take a moment to thank her and wish her a happy and healthy retirement.

We also have two new members representing De Anza on negotiations, Dana Kennedy, division assistant in the business division and Andrea Santacruz, administrative assistant in A&R.  For the first time in 3 years, as we begin negotiations with the district, our negotiations team is full.

Classification Study Update

by Chris White, ACE President

First, a reminder:  Your position description questionnaire (PDQ) for the ACE classification study is due no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 24.

To ensure your comments remain unchanged, email your completed PDQ to:
  1. The supervisor and/or administrator who signs your time sheet; AND
  2. Myisha Washington, Manager, Compensation, Classification and Employment,
  3. Keep a copy for your records.

Second, some frequently asked questions:

  1. How long will the study take to complete?  The consultants have stated it will probably take a year to complete.  The biggest delays?  Missing deadlines, like the PDQ submission, and negotiating the effects of the study’s final recommendations. The more accurate information we provide upfront, and on time, reduces the possibility of delays later. Let’s keep this moving forward and get those PDQ’s in by the Feb. 24 deadline.
  2. Do I really have to submit the PDQ to my supervisor?  Yes.  This study is about the position NOT the person.  If there are large discrepancies between what you define as your duties and what your supervisor does, the consultants – who are neutral in this process – will dig deeper to get a clearer picture of the position.  It is built into the process through the follow-up interviews.  If you are concerned there will be repercussions for things you have written, contact ACE immediately and we will work with you to address your concerns.
  3. My supervisor told me something different than what was presented at the kick-off meetings.  What do I do?  Contact me or Myisha Washington immediately and we will clarify the process for you and your supervisor.  To help ensure we are all on the same page, I will be attending a Classification Study Information Discussion for supervisors and administrators in mid-February hosted by HR.
  4. I’m working on the PDQ and have questions, can you help?  Yes.  You can email me or Myisha Washington at any time.  We will also be offering drop-in assistance on the following dates/times:
    1. Foothill, Altos Room
      1. Feb. 9 – 1:30 – 3 p.m.
      2. Feb. 15 – 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
    2. De Anza – Staff Development Office, MLC246
      1. Feb. 15 – Noon – 3 p.m.
      2. Feb. 21 – 1 – 4 p.m.
  5. How can I stay informed on this process?  I invite you to avoid misinformation that inevitably makes its way through the grapevine. Instead. be certain to read ACE emails, attend site meetings and bookmark,

Lastly, all classified employees are expected to take part in the study by completing the PDQ.  Although not every job description will require significant changes, every classification will be reviewed and modified as needed.  At the completion of the Study, all classified positions will have job descriptions that accurately reflect the roles and responsibilities of the position.

Professional Development Opportunities
This workshop reviews the ACE PGA (Professional Growth Award) application process, covers eligibility requirements and defines what constitutes professional growth activities for classified professionals. We will also review the ACE Educational Assistance Plan and Travel and Conference Funding. All participants will receive a PGA Organizer binder. Those who already have a binder or folder system from prior workshops should bring them.

  • Thurs., Feb. 9: 10-11 a.m., FH Toyon Room
  • Mon., Mar. 13: 12 – 1:30 p.m. DA Admin 109

PGA Workgroup
All classified professionals are welcome to attend these working sessions where we get together to organize our professional growth materials and work on our PGA application. Share your knowledge and experience with others! Get assistance with completing your application and identifying the support materials you need to include.

  • Thurs., Feb. 23: 12:30-1:30 p.m., FH Toyon Room

CalPERS Planning Your Retirement Workshop
This workshop is geared towards members who are nearing retirement.

  • Fri., Feb. 10: 9:30 a.m. – noon, DA Admin 109
  • Fri., Feb. 24: 9:30 a.m. – noon, FH Toyon Room

Please note the CalPERS workshop requires an additional registration by calling (888) 225-7377 or online through your My CalPERS account the instructions to set up an account if you do not have one.

Please pre-register for the above workshops by emailing Mary Kay,, at the De Anza College Office of Professional Development and letting her know which workshop(s) you want to enroll in.

The Value of Ownership and Independence
By Bradley Creamer, ACE member & Foothill webmaster

When I first came to work for Foothill-De Anza, I didn’t know much about unions. During new hire orientation, I received the basic union orientation but didn’t see the value in being part of it.  As time went by and I learned more about the union itself, I further justified my non-involvement due to the fact that the organization seemed to be a nebulous, distant entity that also didn’t seem to have any value by our local members. I met our local officers and knew that they were concerned for our members, but also saw that union was busy with issues outside of our members’ concerns.

When the time came that we, as classified professionals, decided to form our own union – one which was independent of a national organization and self-governed – I knew it was the time to participate. I served on the first board of the Association of Classified Employees (ACE). This was one of the best learning experiences I’ve had in my career. 

Obviously learning the ins and outs of being on a governing board had its trying times, but the most important thing I learned was the value in making decisions ourselves. Many times we had to prioritize items that left out other important issues, much like the current board has to do now. But through ACE, our voting membership has had the power to prioritize those important issues. Our voting membership then makes the decision on actions that impact those important issues.

Understanding the value of owning and having an independent union has never left me. To this day, I continue to help ACE with the website, online voting and email support. I hope that you also understand the value of ACE.  If you are not already a voting member, become one, and then get involved by serving on the board or becoming a steward.

ACE Classification Study: About Those PDQ’s 02.02.17

It’s already Feb. 2, do you know where your PDQ is? I told you I can be a procrastinator, but I am happy to report that I have started mine and have been filling it out in small sections. For me, it makes the process more manageable. Do what works for you, but please fill it out. Many thanks to those who have already completed and turned theirs in.

A few reminders:

  • PDQ’s DUE no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 24, 2017. To ensure your comments remain unchanged, email your completed PDQ to:
    1. The supervisor and/or administrator who signs your time sheet; AND
    2. Myisha Washington, Manager, Compensation, Classification and Employment,
    3. Keep a copy for your records.
  • Misplaced your PDQ? Here is the form. It is a word document which you can save to your computer.
  • Need help? Please contact me or Myisha Washington. In addition, Marykay Englen will host a couple of drop-in sessions, Feb. 3 from 11 a.m. – 2 p..m. and Feb. 15 from noon – 3 p.m., in the staff development office at De Anza (MLC 246). These sessions are open to all ACE district employees. I am working on offering a couple sessions for the Foothill campus.
  • Remember, the position, not the incumbent is being reviewed.
    • Factors that are included:
      1. Nature of duties and responsibilities;
      2. Scope, level, and complexity of duties and responsibilities;
      3. Relationship of the position to other positions in the department and with the college/district;
      4. Supervision, both given and received;
      5. Exercise of independent judgment; and
      6. Autonomy and authority related to decision-making and accountability.
    • Factors that are not included:
      1. Quality of performance (performance evaluation rating);
      2. Quantity of work (volume);
      3. Status of the incumbent;
      4. Information relative to the employee’s length of service;
      5. Time spent at the maximum of the position’s salary range;
      6. Skills/education not related to the job or minimum qualifications; and
      7. Employee’s salary placement within the salary range.

Thank you for your time and attention to this study.
