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ACE News

2024.10.03 Update – Nominations Due by Tomorrow at 2pm, Dues Forgiveness Oct, COVID-19 & Teleworking, Minutes Repaired

ACE Members,

Nominations Reminder
Please search your inbox for a message from “” asking to submit nominees for board and negotiator positions open for election. The email will include a unique voter id and voter key. If you have difficulty logging or issues with the process contact @Shawna Santiago.

  • You can nominate yourself for a position or encourage someone you trust to serve.
  • Nominations are due by tomorrow at 2pm.

Chair of Negotiations and Past-President Chris White wrote a superb article on why you should run for office which is posted on our website (LINK):

“Running for ACE office is a chance to lead, innovate, and drive positive change.  Whether you’re motivated by a desire to amplify voices, address critical issues, or build community, your participation can have a lasting impact.”

Our independent labor organization is member operated by employees like you. None of us are perfect but we do our best to meet the challenges that come before us. We need you to continue to build on our accomplishments (LINK).

If you have questions about the positions or would like to know more about their demands, call or text me.

Dues Forgiveness October
When our organization doesn’t need money for operations and representation we return it to you. The ACE Executive Board approved dues forgiveness for this month. We can do this because we control our money and budget. Cheers to our treasurer Kathy Nguyen for taking advantage of high interest rates on accounts we have set aside in our strike fund, for potential litigation, and operating expenses. Since its inception ACE has regularly forgiven dues twice a year and we review the dues rate regularly. During the COVID-19 pandemic we were also able to forgive dues for an entire year.

COVID-19 & Teleworking
Our MOU (LINK) which allows members to work remotely if you or your child test positive for covid-19 is still in effect. If you are willing, ask your supervisor/manager for a list of projects or outline your own list of tasks which you can complete while working from home. Requests for telecommuting should be made in writing and written denials can be appealed.

Note: Personal cell phones are NOT required for work purposes. Doing District/College business on a personal cell phone subjects your personal device to a public records request, meaning that your entire phone would have to be turned over and searched for substantive information related to a CPRA (California Public Records Act) request. Jabber can be installed on your work computer or the district will provide a phone or stipend for a separate phone if required for your work.

Continue to self-report covid-19 exposures online (HERE).

Agendas & Minutes Repaired
Following a WordPress website plugin crash I was able to rebuild the “Agendas & Minutes” page on our website (LINK).

In Solidarity,

Scott Olsen (he/him) | ACE President |  
650-949-7789 | M-F 8:00am-5:00pm

You Should Run for Office. Yes, You.

You Should Run for Office.  Yes, You.

You should run for office.  Yes, you. Why? ACE’s two biggest strengths are our members and our independence. With this opportunity you, our greatest strength, can make a meaningful impact on the lives of your fellow workers about issues which directly affect the work they, and you, do for Foothill-De Anza (FHDA).  How?

  1. Amplify Workers’ Voices

ACE exists to represent the interests of its members, Collectively, we are stronger together.  By running for office, you can ensure the voice of your colleagues are heard in negotiations and decision-making processes. Your leadership can help address grievances and champion essential issues like wages, safety, and working conditions. Here is a small sampling of the good work ACE has done to amplify our voices.

  1. Drive Change

FHDA is entering a new era that require fresh perspectives. If you have innovative ideas or solutions to improve working conditions or strengthen solidarity among members, running for office gives you the platform to implement those changes. 

  1. Develop Leadership Skills

Serving in ACE leadership helps you grow personally and professionally.  You’ll enhance your communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills. 

  1. Create Opportunity for Others

Leadership isn’t just about personal ambition; it’s about lifting others.  By running for office, you can mentor and inspire other members to become active participants in ACE, building future leaders and ensuring ACE remains strong and vibrant.

  1. Contribute to the Labor Movement

As I said, our strength is our members and our independence, but the work we do also impacts other bargaining units at FHDA and the larger labor movement.  You’ll be part of a collective effort to improve workers’ rights and advocate for social justice. Our classification and compensation studies lifted the wages of our colleagues in the Confidential unit and spurred our fellow workers in Administrative Management and Teamsters units to do the same.

Worried it will affect your chances for growth? Have a chat with recent Foothill Chief Steward, Anthony Caceres who is now Foothill’s new Senior Enrollment Services Supervisor for Admissions & Records.  Or former De Anza Board Member, Angelica Esquivel Moreno, who is the new full-time De Anza Instructor for Chicanx and Latinx Studies.

Don’t think you’re qualified? Training is provided and support is always available. The only thing the job requires is subordination of personal interests to those that represent the highest good of the members. Board members and negotiators shall have no greater rights than any other member of ACE.

Running for ACE office is a chance to lead, innovate, and drive positive change.  Whether you’re motivated by a desire to amplify voices, address critical issues, or build community, your participation can have a lasting impact. In my 40-plus-year career holding very disparate jobs, the first thing I tell people when asked what I do/did for a living is my ten years serving on behalf of the members as part of ACE and remains, one of my most fulfilling career achievements. I can’t wait to see what the next generation does.

So, what office are you running for?

Of service,
@Chris White, outgoing chair of negotiations

2024.09.16 Update – COLA, Dues Forgiveness Schedule, Bilingual Pay Tracking, Stewards, & Cookies

ACE Members,

Negotiated COLA Approved by Membership Vote
Results of the ACE membership vote to approve the 1.07% negotiated COLA were sent to Pat Hyland and Marietta Harris. The remaining bargaining units are going through the same approval process and the hope is to have the salary increase included in end of October paychecks.

ALWAYS CHECK YOUR PAYSTUB! The COLA will include a retroactive salary payment going back to July 1st of this year. Retro pay calculations create the potential for overpayment or underpayment. Human Resources staff does an excellent job with many special payment situations but pobody is nerfect. If you are notified that you have either been overpaid or underpaid, contact ACE to help you understand options available to you.

Thank you to our colleagues in Human Resources, Accounts Payable, Payroll, and Technology Services for their work on implementing the Cost of Living Allowance.

2024-2025 Budgeted Dues Forgiveness
For the upcoming fiscal year, the ACE Executive Board approved a budget which includes four months of dues forgiveness in October and November 2024, plus April and May 2025. Why four months? Interest rates have been much higher than in previous years and generated a month’s worth of member dues. Thank you to ACE Treasurer, Kathy Nguyen, for seeking out high yield returns and making the most of funds we have set aside for a strike fund, litigation, reserves, and ongoing expenses. In addition to the impact of interest rates, our hardworking ACE Executive Board and Negotiators chose not to collect available stipends set aside for union work.

ACE is an independent business that operates to serve members. We are not seeking to earn profits, so when there is an amount beyond what is needed for representation, it is returned to members. This has been true since ACE’s inception.

Bilingual Pay Pilot Program Tracking Guidance
Keep track of each occurrence when you provide bilingual services. For this pilot program to succeed and grow, we need data to support that there is a need, and our services have an impact. This can be as simple as keeping tally marks on a piece of paper:

  1. # of student requests for bilingual services.
  2. # of manager requests for bilingual services.
  3. Summary of the impact of services provided.

Ultimately we would like to deliver messages at the end of each quarter from members that say:

“My name is Scott Olsen. I work as an Administrative Assistant. During fall quarter I was approached by 400 students and my manager asked 50 times for me to provide bilingual services in Spanish. The product of this work allowed students to enroll, find available classes, and receive translations of necessary department forms and policies.”

Foothill Chief Steward Needed
Please email by the end of the day on Friday 9/20 if you are interested in being considered for appointment to the Foothill Chief Steward Position. You would serve the remainder of the elected term through Dec 31st, 2025.

What does a chief steward do? Section 5.3 of our constitution covers the duties of a Steward:

  1. Duties of the Chief Stewards
    1) Chair the Stewards Council and report activities of stewards to the executive board in closed session.
    2) Be responsible for recruiting stewards and presenting candidates to the executive board for approval.
  2. Duties of the Chief Stewards and Steward(s)
    1) Represent their respective jurisdiction in all membership meetings in the absence of the members.
    2) Be the first line of contact with administrative or supervisory staff subject to this Constitution.
    3) Be responsible for the enforcement of all applicable collective bargaining agreements in their respective jurisdictions.
    4) Be responsible for holding management accountable for all applicable safety and occupational health laws, rules and regulations, and are responsible for notifying appropriate administrative or supervisory staff of unsafe working conditions.
    5) Shall have copies of the Constitution and all necessary working agreements available at all times.

Stewardship requires subordination of personal interests to those interests that represent the highest good of the members. Stewards shall have no greater rights than any other member of the ACE.


Janie Garcia Appointed Steward at Foothill
Thank you to Janie Garcia for stepping up to serve as a steward for Foothill. Two steward positions are available in each branch of ACE (Foothill, De Anza, and Central Services) and coordinate with the chief steward at each site to address member needs in representing members under the terms of our collective bargaining agreement. If you’re already supporting your colleagues unofficially, why not do so in an official capacity and get connected with a larger support network? Have a conversation with your chief steward about becoming a steward.

Opening Day ACE Table (w/Cookies)
During District Opening Day on Wednesday, we’ll have a table with ACE membership applications and cookies. Drop by if you have a new colleague or questions of your own. Our independent labor union continues to do a fantastic job of keeping benefits rates affordable, seeking cost of living increases, and improving our agreement based on member feedback. We’re all better off because we’re well organized and able to make progress on issues that impact our lives as members.

In Solidarity,

Scott Olsen (he/him) | ACE President |  
650-949-7789 | M-F 8:00am-5:00pm