20.1 Notification
If either party wishes to alter or amend this Agreement, it shall, not later than 120 days prior to the termination date set forth under Article 23, provide written notice and a proposal to the other party of said desire and the nature of the amendments. Such notice shall be made public according to PERB regulations.

20.2 Commencement of Negotiations
By mutual agreement negotiations may begin at any time upon any specific portion of this Agreement. If a request to commence negotiations is made by either party at any time within six months immediately preceding the expiration of this Agreement, as set forth in Article 23, negotiations shall commence within 30 days of the filing of the request.

20.3 Public Notice
Public notice shall be given of any reopening of negotiations upon all or any part of this Agreement and of any additions or changes in this Agreement that are ratified and signed by both parties.

20.4 Released Time for Negotiations
ACE shall have the right to designate at least seven members who shall be given a reasonable amount of released time to prepare for and participate in negotiations.

20.5 Reopeners
With the exception of years when the entire Agreement is open for negotiation, either party may reopen negotiations on Article 8 (Pay and Allowances), Article 18 (Paid Benefits) and two additional articles of each party’s choice by serving the other party written request to reopen negotiations before September 30 of each year of the agreement.

    In order to address budget challenges the District can open Article 8 (Pay and Allowance) by giving the union a thirty-day written notice.