5.1 Communications
ACE shall have the following rights in addition to the rights contained in any other article of this Agreement:

5.1.1 The right of access at reasonable times to areas in which ACE members work as long as there is no disruption of work.

5.1.2 The right to use without charge institutional bulletin boards, mailboxes, the District mail system and other District means of communication for the posting or transmission of information or notices concerning ACE matters.
All communications for bulletin boards, mailboxes or the District email system must contain the date of posting or distribution and the identification of ACE, together with a designated authorization by the ACE President.
A copy of all communications shall be delivered to the Chancellor and to the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources at the time of posting or distribution to ACE members.

5.1.3 The right to use without charge institutional facilities and equipment at reasonable times, upon clearance from the appropriate administrator. The reasonable cost of materials used and the cost of any damage to facilities and equipment shall be – borne by ACE.

5.1.4 The right to receive one (1) copy of any budget or financial statement submitted at any time to the Board of Trustees and the right to examine public records relevant to the preparation of the annual District budget.

5.1.5 The right to receive a copy of the seniority roster.

    5.2 Released Time
    All ACE business, discussions and activities by ACE officials or members will be conducted during breaks or outside regular work hours, except for the following periods of released time provided by the District:

    5.2.1 The ACE President shall be provided 100% of release time from their job for conducting business that pertains to ACE. Release time shall continue subject to mutual agreement of the parties. None of the released time may be assigned to anyone other than the President.

    5.2.2 ACE members other than the President: up to twenty (20) hours total per week of released time for conducting business that pertains to ACE The members shall be identified to the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources by the ACE President prior to the use of any released time. If any identified member will use released time for four (4) or more hours in any week, the District will provide funding for a short-term employee to back-fill during the established released time of the identified member. The District and ACE acknowledge there may be times when additional release time for ACE members is appropriate for the direct representation of ACE employees. At such times, ACE may request additional released time for which ACE shall be responsible for the funding of a short-term employee to back-fill the released time of the identified member.

    5.2.3 Members of the ACE Executive Board, except the President: up to four (4) hours each for a maximum of two meetings per month of the ACE Executive Board.

    5.2.4 Six (6) stewards, to represent grievants in grievance resolution meetings and accompany employees to disciplinary meetings. ACE will notify the District of the six stewards each January and include the location of each assignment.

    5.2.5 Eight (8) official ACE negotiators, for the purpose of meeting and negotiating with official District negotiators during regular work hours. In addition to the released time provided for participation in negotiations sessions with the District, one (1) hour of released time for preparation will be provided for each negotiator prior to each negotiations session and one (1) hour after each negotiations session. By mutual agreement, additional time may be arranged. The District will not provide funding for a short-term employee to back- fill during any part of the time scheduled for negotiations sessions or preparation when a negotiator is not scheduled to work. Use of released time shall not result in additional cost to the District for overtime pay.

    5.2.6 The Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources will notify ACE of official District or college committees and how many representatives of ACE are authorized for each such committee. ACE will designate the representatives and notify the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources. Time spent as a representative of ACE on official District or college committees is assigned time and shall not be regarded as released time.

    5.2.7 ACE representatives shall have the right to released time for up to 120 hours annually to attend Union conferences and conventions.

    5.2.8 One (1) representative designated by ACE, for the purpose of preparing materials regarding ACE for new-employee orientation: up to four (4) hours of released time annually.

    5.2.9 Release time shall be scheduled in advance with the supervisor by mutual agreement. An employee shall not leave their work location for released time without the prior approval of the supervisor, manager, or Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources.

    5.2.10 With the exception of 5.2.1 and 5.2.2, released time shall not be used at times when an adequate level of service cannot be maintained in the absence of the released employee. Use of released time shall not result in additional cost to the District for overtime pay.

    5.2.1 ACE shall submit a tentative schedule for the planned use of released time to the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources by December 31 and June 30 of each year. ACE shall monitor the use of released time to insure it is not exceeded and that it is used exclusively for authorized purposes. ACE shall provide a quarterly summary report to the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources regarding the use of released time.

      5.3 ACE may submit a request to purchase released time for specific members. If the request is granted, the cost of the purchase will be calculated by Human Resources. The time period is not to exceed 180 days. Payment for the purchased time must be submitted to Human Resources prior to the commencement of the released time.

      5.4 The District will prepare the authoritative text of the Agreement, as may be amended, subject to approval by ACE. The District will place the Agreement on the District website.

      5.5 Union “Bug”

        Union members shall have the right to include the Union label on all books, reports, brochures, stationery or other documents produced by the District in accordance with customary printing trade’s practices unless the person ordering the printing marks an objection on the appropriate form.