4.1 Work that would normally be assigned to a member of the bargaining unit may be assigned to unrepresented temporary workers only under the following conditions:

4.1.1 Article 11.1 is not violated;

4.1.2 The work is:

  1. seasonal, to cover a peak work loads of not more than 6 weeks per quarter or a scheduled summer session; or
  2. intermittent, for not more than 45 days per year; or
  3. temporary, to cover special projects or assignments with a specific beginning and ending date; and assigned for a period not to exceed 195 days
  4. performed by Allied Health paraprofessionals such as Paramedic/EMT Assistants and Nursing Program Clinic Assistants used in an instructional capacity

    4.2 Bargaining unit members who are currently employed as permanent workers may be considered for temporary, intermittent, seasonal and/or substitute work if:

    1. the worker is currently employed less than full time;
    2. the worker is qualified to perform all of the functions of the position, and
    3. the assignment will not result in an increase in the worker’s regular assignment or more than a full time position.

    4.2.1 Permanent workers interested in temporary assignments including summer assignments, shall submit an online application with Employment Services for the Temporary Work Pool. ACE Chief Stewards and supervising managers will be granted access privileges to view applications. Workers are responsible for updating their online applications.

    4.2.2 Supervising managers shall give primary consideration to qualified permanent workers who apply for temporary assignments. Summer temporary positions will be offered to interested academic day, 10-month, 11-month and less than full-time workers who perform comparable duties.

      4.3 This Article shall not apply to workers hired as professional experts or substitutes in vacant positions under the provisions of the Education Code.

      4.4 Substitute Employees

        Substitute employees hired in vacant positions pursuant to Ed Code 88003 may be employed up to 90 days if the District is engaged in a procedure to hire an employee to fill the vacancy. If the filling of the vacancy can reasonably be expected to take more than 90 days, the period in which a substitute may be employed under this section may be extended, by mutual agreement between ACE and the District, on a case-by-case basis.